Kim Jaehwan

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word count- 684
type- family

You woke up at 4am and saw there was a space next to you, you slowly got out of bed and went to look for your husband Jaehwan.

Jaehwan was in the nursery trying to settle down your baby girl. You and Jaehwan had been married for two years and a month ago you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, you two had named her Kim (d/n) and you were both so in love with her.

You were stood at the door and you were watching Jaehwan just rocking her in his arms. He was sat in the corner of the room in the white rocking chair that Jisung had bought for the nursery.

You just love watching Jaehwan with her, you could just see all the love in his eyes and it just made your heart melt. You started to think back to the day you find out your were pregnant and how excited Jaehwan got. He ran out of the house and shouted I'm having a baby and the neighbours cracked jokes about how he can't be pregnant. He ran back into the house and gave you the biggest hug.

Jaehwan took really good care of you all the way through your pregnancy and you just felt so lucky to have such a loving husband.

At your first scan Jaehwan cried his eyes out when he saw your beautiful baby on the screen. As soon as you guys got home, he called the boys round and showed the picture of the scan to them all.

The day you went into labour Jaehwan was trying his best to not panic, your water broke whilst you were in bed and Jaehwan ended getting soaked. He just stayed calm and helped to get you into the car. He held your hand all the way through your 24 hour labour and the minute (d/n) was born Jaehwan fell madly in love with her.

You were snapped out of your flashback when you heard Jaehwan talking to you.

"Hey! How long have you been stood there?" He smiled at you

"About 10 minutes, How's it going?" You asked

"She's not falling asleep at all. Could you make a bottle up for her?" He smiled

"Already beaten you to that one, that's what I was bringing to you but I started thinking about all the events that led to this amazing night. You look so cute with her. Being a dad really suits you." You smiled whilst handing the bottle to him and you sat down on the floor next to Jaehwan and (d/n).

"Thanks, I was thinking about that too. The day you gave birth to (d/n) will forever be the best day of my life well that and the day I married you." He smiled

You watched Jaehwan feeding (d/n) and you just couldn't stop smiling.

You felt like life was just perfect and everything you had ever dreamed of was right there in the room with you.
After Jaehwan had feed (d/n), he winded her and tried to settle her once again. He put her pink dummy into her mouth and you could see she was tired but she was fighting it.

Jaehwan started to sing a lullaby to her and you just sat there watching him. You loved his singing voice and you knew it would be long before (d/n) would be fast asleep. Jaehwan finished singing and (d/n) was out like a light. She was snuggled into her dad's arms and she was fast asleep. You left the room to go and wash the empty bottle up.

When you walked into the nursery, you couldn't help but smile when you saw that Jaehwan had fallen asleep too. You grabbed the pink blanket and wrapped it around Jaehwan and (d/n). You made your way back to your bed and as soon as your head hit the pillows you fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

You had everything you had ever wanted and life just couldn't be any better for you, your husband and your beautiful baby girl.

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