When You're Sick

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(I love this picture XD)
Sebastian removed his cellphone from his ear for the forth time, only this time he gave a light sigh out of concern, after you didn't answer once again. He knew you were at your apartment for you didn't have work, but with all the missing person cases going on, Sebastian had no choice but to speed walk up the stairs of your apartment complex. "(Y/n)." Two knocks later, Sebastian busted in your apartment to see you not there. "(Y/-." A smirk appeared on his face when seeing you asleep in your bed when he cracked open the bedroom door. You were lying on your side with tissues around you, a trashcan next to the bed, and a wet paper towel across your forehead. Sebastian felt your fever, then placed the rag, which was more damped, on your head. "At least she's resting." Sebastian kissed your forehead, then tucked that in before quietly leaving the room and fixing the door. Only to walk down the stairs with a smirk. "She won't know."
"And then we. Bless you." Joseph gave a faint chuckle when looking over at you after you sneezed quite loudly. You sniffled, rubbing your arms for you received a chill. "Thanks." You and Joseph were in the grocery store shopping together, since you both had the night sift off. "I think I might be sick." Joseph stopped walking, placing the shopping basket in his other hand before feeling your forehead as you sniffled once more. "You are warm." You gave a throat clear soon after Joseph grabbed your hand and slowly tugged you down the aisle and to the right into another aisle. "You'll need this." You smiled, giving a head shake when Joseph started placing cough drops into your basket. "Joseph it's just a cold." Joseph paused, looking over at you then down at the ground with a smile. "And you're just a woman that I love and want to get healthy again." You stared at him, then gave an eye roll with a head shake and a faint blushing smile. "Okay."
"Fear. It's one of the many signals the brain receives." Ruvik stopped speaking when looking at the door of the classroom he was teaching in, only to see a male student rush to his desk. Ruvik then glanced down, placing the chalk he used to draw a brain ok the board, before looking at your row and at your empty seat. "Professor. You can continue to teach. Excuse me." You wiped your eyes that were droopy from your lack of sleep, when walking towards the your apartment room door. "Coming. Sorry I." When you opened the door, your eyes slightly widened when seeing Ruvik standing there. He was staring at you before glancing up and down at your warm set of pajama bottoms and baggy shirt. "I'm sick." You sniffled, leaning against the door as he gave a nod then slowly walked into the room, you gave a confused look but shut the door behind him. "Did you take medicine?" "Uh. NyQuil." You went to the couch and sat next to Ruvik, he then pulled you close to him and rubbed your side. "NyQuil? But." "Shhh. I sleep."
"Visit Leslie. Today you visit me?" You gave a small nod towards Leslie with a calm smile when the two of you met up in the cafeteria of the Mental Hospital. "I did." Seeing Leslie smile made you smile more when he stood up from the table, taking your hand and slightly speed walking out of the lunchroom and into the main hallway. "Good; good; good." Leslie then froze in position when you removed your hand from him and started to cough loudly. "Hold on." As you coughed a bit more and gave a sniffle, Leslie began to bite at his nails. "Hold on. Hold on. (Y/n) sick. Nurse!" When Leslie yelled, Tatiana was the first to run over to him and see you trying to calm him. And all that led up to you sitting on Leslie's bed with him beside you and holding your hand as you handed the cap, which was full of cough medicine, back to Tatiana. "She'll be okay Leslie. It's just a small cold." When Tatiana left the room, you smiled for Leslie held your hand to his lips. "Yes..(Y/n) get better. I love you." "And I love you Leslie."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! I can't wait for the 2 game to come out!!! No spoilers please.)

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