Holiday Special: Easter

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"Why do I feel so extra on Easter?" Sebastian mumbled to himself. While you were at work, Sebastian had the day off and decided to spend most of his free time in the grocery store. Today, they were selling gift baskets of flowers, plushies, bath products, and sweets. As he walked down the aisle, he kept his confused look on all the different products in each colorful basket. "Doesn't really matter which one I chose," he told himself. "She's right. I'm a picky son-of-a-gun," he smirked. A few hours later, you stepped through the door of your home only too see three gift baskets on the counter in the kitchen. At first you were confused, then flattered when seeing Sebastian step out of the bedroom in his boxers and with wet hair. "Sebby?" you asked. As you looked at the baskets, you seen one was opened. "Happy Easter. I couldn't decide which to get you so I got you one of each. Oh, and those products suck," he mumbled. You gave a faint laugh and shook your head when looking towards him. "You are so." "Extra? I know." "Romantic."
When rolling over only to grab a pillow instead of Joseph, you peeked open your eyes. "Joseph?" You softly groaned. You sat up and stretched, then froze with a twitch when hearing a loud clinking sound. You then heard Joseph groan, and that made you crawl out of bed with a soft smile. "Joseph, love?" Joseph was on the kitchen. He was shirtless and wearing only boxers, with an apron around his body. You leaned against the counter and watched him with dazed eyes as he grinned with blushing cheeks. "Whatcha making?" "A rabbit." Your lips parted and you leaned up with a disturbed expression. Soon after he saw that look, he slid a plate in front of you. "Ta-da, Happy Easter," he softly said. You smiled at the pancake that was in the shape of a rabbit's head, with fruit as it's eyes and nose. When you looked up at him, you tugged the front part of his apron down and kissed him deeply on the lips once you pulled him to your level. "I am so lucky to have you," you whispered.
You curled yourself more in bed when feeling something soft brush against your foot. At first, you though it was the sheet. When feeling something tap your foot, you sat up and loudly yelped. You then faintly screamed more when watching something scurry underneath the sheets and towards you. As you raced out of bed and towards the doorway, Ruvik smirked and appeared behind you. "Ruben! The-." "Shh," he hushed. You stared at him with a sleepy and confused expression when he placed his thumb over your lips when holding your chin. You kept that same expression when he walked towards the bed. "Thought this would have gone better," he mumbled. When he pulled up the blanket, a small, dark brown and white bunny bundled into the mattress. Your lips parted and eyes softened when looking at him. "You got me a bunny!" Rubin nodded. "Happy Easter," he mumbled. After he pecked your forehead, he left the room and you crawled back in bed with the rabbit. "I find it hard to believe he got me you as a gift," you whispered while scratching the rabbit's neck. "Unless you're going to be an experiment and he realized it wa-. Oh my. Ruben!"
"B-bunny. B-Bunny. C-chicken," Leslie stuttered while wandering around the park with you at his side. Today was Easter and the party the town was hosting for celebration and for donations to the Beacon Hospital and for small churches of Krimson City. Leslie was tugging your hand towards a small, open area that was circled with short, wired fencing. "Leslie, slow down," you mumbled. Leslie did so, but only because the two of you arrived at the cage full of small rabbits and baby chickens. Other kids were playing with the pets, so you led Leslie into the pin and sat on the grass with him doing the same. "Leslie, look. See? Super soft and cuddly," you said while hugging a rabbit. When Leslie held the rabbit, he began to small and relax the jitters he was feeling about the crowded area. "So soft," he mumbled. A chirping chicken caught your attention, but before you could pick it up Leslie caught your gaze. "No! Leslie!" you yelled. Leslie was hugging the rabbit and slightly jogging away from the pin. "Mine. M-mine. My bunny," he mumbled.
Your lips parted and your eyes widen as you glanced around the room at all the multiple colored flowers in black vases. You had just woken up on this Easter Sunday, only to be surprised by Stefano's idea of celebration. There were at least eight cases around the room and on every surface, even tulip petals were sprinkled on the bed and on the floor. "Very stunning, Darling," Stefano mumbled. After hearing a flash go off, you looked towards the bedroom to see Stefano with a hand-held photography camera of yours. "Stefano, you didn't have to do this," you whispered. Stefano grinned, then turned his back to you as you held the sheets closer to your bare chest. "Oh, but I had to. You see, Darling, I needed an April cover photo for my calendar." You furrowed your brows but kept the blushing cheeks and smile as Stefano left the room while staring at the image. "Calendar?" "My personal favorite will be Valentine's," he whispered.

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