What About You Frightens Him

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(UGH!!! He's so fucking precious when he smiles!!!!!! Leslie..ugh..I love him..)

Sebastian will tease you, pick on you, and even playfully make you mad to the point you actually get aggressive. However, nothing frightens him more than waking you up from a deep sleep. If he arrives home late, he will do all that he can to sneak into the apartment and into bed with you. Waking you up and having to deal with your tired side, is what frightens Sebastian.
There's a reason why Joseph doesn't be playful when it comes to having a meal with you. By playful, meaning he won't pick off your plate or swipe a few snack bites from you. When you are hangry, Joseph becomes a servant to you and gets you whatever you want to eat. He won't admit it, but you know that you being hungry frightens him.
Arguing with you is one thing that Ruben knows not to do. Your anger causes him to become distant, quiet, and on decisive on how to handle the situation and your temper. Having you mad at him, or mad in general is one of the main reasons why Ruben isn't much of a playful teaser. He, of course, doesn't admit to having fear when it comes to you.
Leslie may know a few reasons why you should be feared, but he knows you don't mean any harm to anyone. He will comfort you when you are angry, tend to you when you are tired and stressed, and even find snacks for you when you are hungry. When you get over protective of and defensive, Leslie does get a bit frightened. Hearing you cuss up a storm, shouting at the top of your lungs, and even trying to storm towards the person that disrespected him, does make Leslie fear you. Of course, he'll try to hold you back and calm you, but most of the time he just covers his ears and waits for you to finish.
As much as you don't want to amid it to yourself or to Stefano, your jealousy can get out of control. There's no doubt that Stefano is a very attractive artist, and he does capture a lot of women's attention too. When females swarm him, he does handle the crowd and disappear from their view, and he'll always pull you close to him as well during those times. However, your jealous expression and mumbles, do make him a bit uncomfortable.

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