9. Mr. Green's Story

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Mrs. Green led me into their living room, dancing on her small jumpy feet. She switched on the lights of the living room. It was a handsome room in the Italian mode of Empire period design. Beautiful, old, reddish, tapestry panels and some ormolu furniture plus other things mixed in. It was rather conglomerate but pleasing. It was big, not too empty. Mrs. green seemed excited to show it.

"Come in," she said, laying down the pillow and blanket on the rather large couch. "My husband should be here somewhere. He'll join us soon."

I stepped in, being careful not to wreck anything. I were afraid to sit in case I wrinkled the fabric or stain it with something I didn't even know was on my pants. The couch is cream but inlaid with fine green silk; leaves embroidered so delicately that they might have landed there in spring and just sunk in, but I knew they took hundreds of hours to sew.

I stared down at my moving feet. The floor is a highly polished wood, dark and free of either dust or clutter. I had never imagined that a Diner owning couple would have such a delicate home with a hint of ancient nature.

"Your house is beautiful," I complimented, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, my husband is a little old-fashioned, so if he talks weird you are warned," she said with a loving smile on her face. She was probably seeing the man of her dreams in front of her eyes. Imagine how he would smile when he saw her.

Pictures of a large family hung on the wall. They all smiled out at me. We didn't even have a single picture hanging in our house. I had a picture of me and my brother hidden under my bed, but that was all.

"Darling, I request to address our sponsors in the near future," a male voice from behind the door called out and opened the door. As soon as he stepped in, my eyes ended up on him. Mr. Green had a fringe of gray-white hair around his balding scalp. Steel blue-gray eyes stared back at me. It was like the eyes of a ghost, but friendlier.

"What a lovely young lady," he said, stepping further and extending his graceful hand. "My love think well about you, young lady."

I blushed, "thank you, sir, I am happy to hear that." He smiled while rubbing his chin. His eyes searched around my face, stopping at my eyes, before moving further.

"Love, this is Nina. She'll be staying here for a little while," Mrs. Green said, laying her hands on both my shoulders.

Mr. Green's lips curved up into a huge grin and it lit up his eyes together with the rest of his grace filled face.

"What lovely news. I declare myself as the host for your visit, young lady. Please, inform me of any news there may have occurred this day."

They sat together on the couch, while I pulled a chair over to sit in. Mr. Green's smile hadn't faded. He looked over at me, crossing his legs and laying his hands in his lap. "Care to hear a story?"

I nodded. I desperately needed something to get my mind of everything there had happened today. "Please."

"I'll make some tea," Mrs. Green said as Mr. Green was about to start talking. Mr. Green nodded to his wife and turned his attention on me once again. Mrs. Green strolled out in the kitchen and left me and Mr. Green alone in the living room.

"Shall we begin?" He asked, lifting one of his light eyebrows. I nodded once again.

"When a young man and traveled to little town, he stumbled across a wonderful woman. You may already have calculated whom this woman may be. Nevertheless, as a young gentleman who had set his eyes on this beauty were not a man to back down, quite the opposite to be exact.

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