2 | Do Me A Favor

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In three words I can sum up everything I learned about life...


And on.

And on.

Everyone talks. Hows Zoe Ford doing? What is going on in Zoe Fords head?

To be honest... I don't think people should know.


I finally snapped out of my thoughts to find a unstable girl in front of me.

"What?" I finally said as I cleaned the oil from my hands.

"YOU BITCH!  YOU. ARE THE REASON WHY JAYCE IS DEAD!"  I roll my eyes and continued to fix the car I had been working on.


And I'm ignoring-

Suddenly, the air has been cut off from my lungs. The bitch is choking me. So, I grabbed the closest thing which was a wrench. I rose my hand to strike but she released me before I could.

I fell to my knees gasping for air. I realized a shadow towered over me.

I spoke under my breath, "Fuck my life."

It's the things that you least expect that hit you the hardest.

I looked up to see the one person I never wanted to see again.

"What do you want, Jack?" I snapped as I brushed myself off.

"How've you been?"


"Why do you care?" I hissed with a venomous voice.

"Word on the street says you work at Off The Map. Since when did you know how to fix cars?" He follows behind me as I walk over to the hood of the car. You know, the one I was fixing before I almost died.

Off The Map is a place where criminal, gangs etcetera. Come to race, placing bets and shit. I work here to repair or spice up their car. BIG responsibility to watch TOP criminals cars while they gone.

"We need to talk." He crosses his arms to prove he was serious.

"No we don't." I continued to fix the engine. Trying to tune him out which isn't working.

"I'm sorry for giving up on you and... him." I started to laugh at his hesitation. He seemed a bit thrown off a bit, but recovered with a straight face.

Him. How cute.

"He's dead Jack, for a month now. You can say his name.... it's Jayce."

"I should have been there-"

"But you weren't so shit happens."

"Look Zoe... I screwed up and I'm sorry. I should have been there for-"


"I'm sorry."

"Those are just words to me... they lost their meaning a long time ago." I tried walking away but he grabbed onto my hand.

"Cmon Zoe!"

"NO! I needed you and you left me! I lost Jayce and I needed you and you weren't there! I had no one by my side!"

"You had the gang and Jasmine-"

"SHES GONE!" I screamed. "I set her free... she's not a member of the gang."


"Now are you sure you'll be fine with me gone? Because I don't have to-"

"Jasmine, stop it!"

"I'm serious."

"And I'm serious... stop it. You deserve to explore the world." I looked at her with reassuring eyes.

"I know my Person... are you sure- you know what I'm staying! You have your person and the gang!"

"Hello? no.... you need to explore the world. Visit different cities, visit different guys." I smirk and she lightly hits my arm.

"Seriously, if anything happens and you need me. Call me and I'll will come no matter where I am." She hugs me before kissing my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Last chance." She slightly laughs.

"Go!" I forced a smile on my face.

Stay... I need you.

End of FlashBack

That was before Jayce died. She knows that he died, she offered to come back but I told her I was fine. But she clearly knows I'm not fine.

"Zoe, I'm so sorry. I thought-

"Just leave."

"Well there's something I think you should know. It's about-"

Jack was drowned out by the car alarm outside.

"SHIT!" I swore running out. If anything happens to those cars my ass is dead.

I saw two masked men breaking into one race car. The third guy was hot wiring another car. "HEY!" I held up my gun and shot two warning shots.

"Vamos!" I heard one yell in Spanish l. I aimed my gun towards him. Just as I was about to fire I was tackled to the gravel.

They're Four of them?!

"BAJATE!" I groaned in Spanish. With out a response he started to choke me.

He had a mask with a black hoodie. I held onto his arm pushing up his sleeve. It was a black dragon tattoo.

I bit his arm and to my surprise he groaned and let me go. I shoved him off of me so I could stand on my feet.

What is the deal with choking me today!

"LOOK OUT!" I turned to see cars headed towards me. I was tackled out of the way as they passed. "WHY DID YOU JUST STAY THERE?" Jack yelled as he remained hovering over my body. I looked over to see the man that choked me was gone.

"Get the hell off me!" I shoved him off. "My ass is now on the line. I just lost two cars because of you!"

" ME?!"

"YOU DISTRACTED ME!" I picked up a small rock and threw it at his torso. "You fucking BASTARD!"

"Childish much?"

"Quit much?"

He nods his head. "Wow... I see how it is."

That's when a smirk appeared on my face. "Do me a favor, and stay out of my life. You're good at that."

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