12 | I Believe You

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"I had it handled."

"Clearly you didn't,  seeing how My Person is hyperventilating."


"DON'T! You had one job and you failed! I told you to look after her... didn't I?" Jasmines tone was cold and harsh. Her arms crossed as her hands clench around her arms. "Didn't I, Jack."

The rest of the guys started to chuckle.

"And you four... why are you laughing? Your no better then him! Just because she is your leader does not mean you don't have to check on her and assume she's fine!"

"No we didn't-"

"I am not finished!" She hisses at Jordan. "She isn't Jayce! She isn't the person to take it out on people. She hides her feelings, she sets it aside! Don't you get that?"


"Stop talking!" I've never seen her this angry before towards them. It took me by surprise. I couldn't see there faces because I was hiding in the kitchen. But I can only imagine. "Why the hell was she hyperventilating?"

"Can we answer or..." it sounded like Jordan once again. "I don't know she wouldn't tell us."

"Well try harder!"


"NO!" Suddenly I heard heels clicking against the tile. I quickly ran over to the fridge as if I weren't ease dropping. "Spill it now!"

I open my mouth to speak but she holds her hand up, silencing me before I could speak. She grips my hand and pulls me into the living room with the rest of the guys.


I let out a sigh," I saw my dad the other day and he said things... things I didn't want to hear."

"Aw Zoe, why didn't you tell us?" Jordan stands to his feet and pulls me into a hug.  As I hug him I make eye contact with Jack. Who didn't really seem to by my little lie. I think he could tel I was lying.

"Also, Jayce's old hook ups keep hunting me down. Trying to kill me, that's also the reason why Im not myself." I quickly say trying to make it sound believable.

"What? Why didn't you-" I cut Nick off before he could ramble.

"I didn't want to stress you guys out. I just thought I could handle it by myself." I look to the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Well, my work here is done. It's getting late so let's all agree to sleep. Yes?" Everyone nods in agreement. I'm pretty sure everyone is afraid to disagree.

Everyone went their separate ways. Jasmine of course stayed with me in my room. I finally can get a good nights rest.

"Okay what is the real reason you were hyperventilating." Jasmine filled her mouth with Lays potato chips.

Nothing gets passed her.

"Don't fucking lie to me." She mumbles

I let out a sigh,"Someone is following... for about 3 weeks now. I don't know who it is but he's following me. I got mobbed two days ago and you know who save me?"

She shakes her head as she stuffs her face with more chips.

"The leader of the Hustlers... who is Vince's brother. And you know what, he's actually nice. I like him... I like spending time with him. He told me he's here for me when I want to run away." 


"Logan slapped me... when he was drunk, he hit me. That's why Jordan is hesitant with Logan getting near me. Jack, left me and he tried apologizing but I pushed him away. I don't know why I did that, clearly I needed him."

"Zoe..." I know Jasmine is trying to calm me down but I wouldn't stop. I couldn't stop.

"I have a drug problem, Jasmine. I smoke weed everyday. I'm poppin pills every now and then. There's this gang the Black Dragons and theres this certain guy trying to kill me. When I fought him I saw his tattoo, and his face. I saw-"



Why did I say that?

"I saw Jayce again, in the alley. I took his money and he chased me into the alley.  You know what he told me?" I pause for her to answer but she just stared at me. "Give me the money... he said that I wouldn't shoot him."

"Zoe stop."

"I shot him... and I threatened him."

"I believe you."


"I believe you, what are you going to do? Did you tell the guys?" She asked calmly. So calm I wasn't sure if we were talking about the same thing.

"N-no they didn't believe me the first time. They think I'm hallucinating from the drugs. Plus it's better this way, it'll break them knowing he's alive and against us."

She was silent for a moment, staring me down. With a very intense stare. I can't tell if she was mad, happy, confused...

"Okay, We don't tell them." She nods taking another bite of her chips.

"That's it? Your not gonna question me?"

"No why would I, your my person. If you say Jayce is alive then he is alive. Anything is possible,Zoe." She's so different from anyone else. I'm so fucking lucky to have her. "Honestly, anything is possible at this point. Especially when it involves us, anything is possible."

I let out a small laugh. She's right anything is possible. Considering our lives are so "unique" I guess that's the term to say.

"Do we hate Jack right now?"


"Jack, do we hate him right now?"

I don't know, maybe he's right maybe I should get over it.


"Okay... so we like Jack then." I nod in agreement. I rest my head on her shoulder staring at the wall.

"I wish you could stay."

To be honest we have not spoken since she left a few months ago.

"Me too." She sighs. "But I have to take care of a few things."

I can't help but feel this awkward tension. Like something is wrong between us but no one wants to say anything. I don't know maybe it's in my head.

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