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"Why the hell are you alive?"


"No- follow up question how long have you guys known?" She looks at us with hurt in her eyes. Let me tell you it was one of the worst feelings, seeing her hurt like this. I know it was wrong for us to keep it from her but I had to.

"Couple months." I mutter.

"Months!" She scoffs. "Logan, Jasmine, Jordan...Nick?" They lowered their heads in shame as she continued to process . "I hate you."

"I told her not to tell you- for safety purposes of course." Jayce defends.

"Oh of course well if Jayce says..." she sarcastically remarks.

"Jade please understand." She's like my- scratch that- she is my little sister. I should've told her... I should've listened to my gut! 

"I need to go."

"Jade please." I pleaded.

"I need time."

End Of FlashBack

That was the last time I've seen or even spoken to Jade. Which was three days ago. She told Nick that she's staying at her friend Mia's house. That was the last time I had seen Jayce too. Not since that night at the hospital.

Jasmine had decided to stay for a while just till Alex gets back on his feet. The gang had been kinda silent, distant maybe is more the better word. Distant with each other. At this point I have no idea what to do at this point. I said what needed to be said.

"So whats going on with you? How was traveling the world?" Jasmine and I decided to go to the park and catch up. We laid down on the grass in the middle of the field.

"I saw my dad."

I looked over at her as she remained still staring at the sky.

"He has another family."

After Jasmines mom died her dad was never the same. He abused her, he was involved with Jayce's gang. Owed him a lot of money, in exchange he sold Jasmine.

"He has a six year old daughter, Zoe. It's like I never existed, his past never existed."

"Jasmine, you need to forget him. He abused and sold you to a gang. You should careless as to what he's doing with his life." I assured as I held onto her hand that rested on the grass.

"Another reason I didn't Come was because I owed a guy a lot of money. Like A LOT, sometimes I would miss the deadline for the money..."

"Jasmine, why didn't you say something? I could've gave you-

"I knew you were dealing with stuff- I didn't want yo be a bother."

"Yet you still needed me."

"And you needed me."


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