7 | I Need Some Air

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Freaking out is different. It's more of a running away, not telling anyone what's wrong, slowly simmering until you burst kind of thing.


"Zoe, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, you haven't said anything the whole car ride home. Did something happen?"

"Zoe, what happened."

Question after question. The guys wouldn't stop asking questions. I don't even know the answer. I don't even know what just happened.


"Jayce." Was all I managed to say.

"Wh-what?" Jordan hesitates to ask.

"Jayce, I saw him."

The guys looked at one another, exchanging worries looks. I remained patient since it was a touchy subject.

Nick starts,"Zoe, Jayce is... well... he's-"

"Are you high?" Jordan asks not giving nick to finish.

"NO! You don't believe me?" A sudden rage boiled inside me.

"Well, you could hallucinate things ya' know." Nick adds.

"Fine... forget I even said anything."

End of FlashBack

"Zoe, we made dinner." Nick spoke from the other side of the closed door.

"You haven't eaten. Please come on out." Another one of Alex and Nicks lame attempt to get me out of my locked room.

I continued to stare at my door as I sat on the floor on the other side.

"No... Jordan she's gonna be pissed." I heard Alex say.

"We have no choice... we have to do it."

"Jordan is right, it's the only way." Nick agrees with Jordan.

What are they talking about?

But all the chaos from the other side had stopped. Complete and utter silence.

I haven't spoken to boys or left my room. Not since they told me I was crazy for seeing what I saw.

Sometimes you just gotta stay silent cause no words can explain the shit that's going on in your mind and heart.

"Don't hate us, okay?" Jordan finally spoke. I saw a few shadows at the bottom of my door, in the little space between the floor and door..

Why would I hate them?

"Zoe, you in there?" I heard a voice that was unrecognizable. I tilted my head as I stared at the door.

Suddenly, the door swung open, scaring the crap out of me. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach.


"I know what your thinking."

Get out.

"Get out... I know." He closes the door behind him so the boys couldn't hear clearly.

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