26| Answers

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"You win?"

"Yes, I win."

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"You can pretend to hate me all you want. But just know that I know the truth."

"You jumped off the building." He repeats, frustratedly.

"I'm done playing your little mind games. I broke you, I got you to confess, I got the one answer that I wanted. "  I said, feeling satisfied. "So I win."

End Of FlashBack

But that wasn't good enough for me anymore. Once I found out one answer I wanted to know more. My thoughts is keeping me awake at night.

I hate that he has this affect on me. I just hate it.

"I can't sleep, because of you I can't sleep." I spoke, wrapping my arms around my bare stomach.

"Your mad at me- you jumped off a building," He retorts, clenching his hands into fists. "You tried to kill yourself!"

The sound of his chains clank against the chair as he shifts in the metal chair.

"I'm not here to argue."

"Then what are you here for?"

"Answers." I said, putting the best fake confident look I could give. "You hungry?"

This is a mistake, I'm probably making one of the biggest mistakes right now.

But That doesn't matter, because there's no going back. I unchained Jayce and now here we are in the kitchen munching on chips and cookies; getting ready to finally get  what we both have been wanting for a while...


It's quite simple, he tells me what I want to know and I do the same. Just plane and simple.

"Hows the gang, really? Don't sugar coat anything."

"Alex and Nick is fine for the most part. Jordan he's been really good lately, protective. Logan, he's- not good, ever since you left."

"He's been hitting you," He worried.

"Yeah, But only when he's drunk." I defend for him.

"Do you dress like that all the time in this house with them here?" He refers to my sports bra and tights.


"Fine... how's Jasmine?"

I haven't heard or spoken to Jasmine since her surprise visit. She hasn't even tried to contact me. I can't help but have this feeling that she's mad at me, like something is wrong between us.

"Is she-

"No she's alive, she's just traveling the world right now. She's been doing fine." I have no idea how she's been doing.

"And you?"

I let out a sigh,"My dad has been trying to arrest my ass since day 1. Your past hoes have been threatening me forever. Jack knew you were alive and didn't tell me until a few days ago. It was one thing after the other."

I felt tears starting to form so I had to pause for a moment so it wouldn't fall.

"Then you show up well and alive; and the first thing you say to me is 'Give me the money'?" I say, feeling betrayed. "You tried to kill me Jayce, twice. You showed your face when I told you not to. Now here we are eating chips and cookies!"

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