9 | Until I met You

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Live life to the fullest, we only live once. Because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.


Taking risks, is how you live life.


If you don't, you're not living.


"GO!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. He stepped on the gas peddle.

I felt the wind in my face as we raced down the carless highway. I watched the speed of the car increase, 99...100...110.

He took a sharp turn causing the car to spin out of control. I held onto the sides to brace myself. Once we came to a complete stop, the sound of the tires screeching on the streets filled my ears.


"Your insane... I LOVE IT!" I started to laugh causing him to smile. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"My dad taught me when I was in high school."

"High school?" I exclaimed while my eyes grew big.

"People had sports, I had street racing." I brush back my hair from my face and continue to smile.

"The only racing I did in high school is track."

"Just how fast are you?"

"I was the best on my team." I smiled as I leaned on the trunk of his car.

"Think you're fast enough to beat me?" He smirks wiggling his eyebrows up and down.


"No? What do you mean, no?" He pushes himself from the truck to step in front of my view.

"I mean no...those days are long gone. Hell no." I shook my head placing a fake smile on my face.


"It just is." I hope he gets the hint that I don't want to talk about it.

"Let's go."

And he did.


"I'm bored, let's go."

I realized I've spent most of my day with this stranger and I don't even know his name. If the guys found out who I was with they'd be pissed.

I could go for a drink right about now. I'm starting to feel like my crappy self again.

Shit, now I wanna burn.

"We're here."

"Why are we at a Chinese restaurant?" I slowly got out of the car. I looked at the run down rusty restaurant, the smell was terrible.

"Do you trust me?"He spoke with annoyance in his tone.


"Too bad."I followed him in the run down place and they were one or two people in the room.

The Asian worker and the customer eating his noodles. They were two booths and one singles table.

The V.K placed $200 on the table. The man took it and nodded. The V.K walked through the curtains leading into the kitchen. They were no workers, no chefs... the fuck?

We walked over to the other side of the kitchen to see a stairs in the ground. Leading to another room I guess.

"Ladies first,"He smirks.

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