Chapter 3

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Perrie's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache.

I sat up and noticed I was in my own bed by myself.

I heard a noise from the living room.

Must be Zayn.

I walked out and he was watching the football match.(soccer)

"Good morning"I said as I walked in.

"More like good afternoon"

"What happened last night"I asked.

He remembers more when he's drunk,i don't understand why or how but he remembers everything.

He's better with hangovers too.

"Um well you took a lot of shots"He said.

"Did anything else important happen"

"Well we um..."

"Ok that's enough info"I said.

"There are pain killers set out for you in the kitchen"He said.

"Thanks" I said and walked to the kitchen.

I quickly took some pain killers and drank some water.

I went back into the bedroom and changed into some sweats and a shirt then I pulled my hair in a messy bun.

Well it was supposed to be a regular one but my messy hair made it messy.

I grabbed my car keys,phone,and purse.

"I'm gonna do a Starbucks run want anything"I asked Zayn and he shook his head and concentrated back on the game.

"K I will be back"I said and went out the door.

I got into my car and turned on the radio.

I sang as loud as I could and that didn't help the headache at all by the time I got to Starbucks my head was gonna explode.

I killed the engine and got out of the car.Walking inside I noticed Eleanor's car.

I opened the door and walked in.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you"The lady at the counter asked.

"Can I have a mocha frap no wip in a venti please"

"K that will be 6.99"

I handed her the money.

"Ok it will be right up"She said.

"Hi El"I said when I spotted her waiting in line for her coffee.

"Oh hi Perrie"She said.

"So did you go to Harry's last night"I asked.

She nodded.

"I didn't drink but Louis did he is so grumpy when he's hung over"She giggled.

"Yeah my head is pounding at the moment"I said.

"So why didn't you drink"I asked.

"We needed a designated driver I know how Harry's parties get"She smiled.

"Here you go"The lady said to Eleanor handing her two cups.

"See ya later"She said and walked out.

The lady handed me my mocha and I thanked her then walked to the car and twisted the key.

The engine made a weird noise then the car turned off.

"You've got to be kidding"I screamed.

I walked out and opened the good and smoke went everywhere.

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