Chapter 18

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Song-Stay with me,Sam Smith

Zayn's POV

I woke up with Perrie laying calmly on my chest.Her hair just everywhere.I moved it away from her face carefully not to wake her up.

She stirred a bit but didn't wake up.I carefully got out of bed and put on a pair of sweats then went to check on Lyric.When I went into her room I saw she was sound asleep.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Liam was pretty much screaming into his phone.He sighed and hung up."Are you ok mate"I asked.

"I had another fight with Dani"He sighed.


"I thought we would work out this time but,I'm not so sure anymore"He said.

I really don't know what to say to him.Me and Perrie have had fights but not to the point where we break up.He sighed and walked out of the room.

I got out my phone and scrolled through the notifications.Perrie posted a picture of my and Lyric.Lyric was laying on my chest and she was sleeping as was I.

I chuckled and put my phone away.I heard Lyric cries from upstairs so I quickly climbed up the stairs and went into her room.Once she saw me she stopped crying.

I picked her up.She's just lonely,Lyric started to play with my hair.The door opened and Perrie strolled in obviously still a but tired.

"Good morning"I kissed her cheek and she smiled."You left me"She pouted and I laughed."Now give me my baby"She demanded and I handed her Lyric.

"Hello angel"She cooed bouncing her in her arms."Has she eaten"Perrie asked and I shook my head.

"Ok I'll-damn I forgot to but more formula"She sighed.

"I'll go buy some"I said.

"Can you take her with you,I have to shower and El already has to take care of MJ"She asked and I nodded.

I quickly changed her into another onesie and walked to the car and put her in the seat.

I drove to the store and got Lyrics seat then walked to the aisle.There must have been at least 100 different types.Out of the corner of my eye I saw the paps thankfully they were the somewhat 'nice' type so they just took photos from a distance.

I got out my phone and called Perrie."Hello"She said.

"What kind is it"I asked.

"Enfamil I think"She said.

"What the hell is Enfamil"I asked.

"It's a brand just get it"She said.

"Ok thanks I'll be home in a bit"I hung up and walked down the aisle looking for it.

Once I found it I bought a few and drove home."I'm back"I screamed once I entered the house.

"Zayn"Niall and Louis both screamed coming up to me.

"Who looks the best in a tiara"They asked,both of them with tiaras on their heads."Uh...Niall I guess"I said.

"I told you that's THREE people for me and one for you"Niall said.

"You betrayed me"Louis screamed falling to the floor."Hey,have any of you seen Harry lately"Liam asked.

"No"We shook our heads.

"We leave tonight he has to be home"Liam said.

Oh right we leave tonight."Call him"I suggested walking into the kitchen and making Lyric her formula.

Perrie came down after I was done with the formula.Her hair was a darker color because it was wet and she was wearing a lose shirt and sweat pants.

"You actually got the right one"She said.

"You underestimate me"I said.

"You had to call me"She said.

"Still"I sighed.

"What time is your flight"She asked sadly.

"We have to leave at seven"I said.

"We still have some time"She said.

Perrie's POV

I began to feed Lyric as Zayn told me all the stuff that they did and are going to do on the tour.

"When's the salute tour"He asked.

"It's in around eight months,but it's not very long....I don't think at least"I said.

Lyric quickly finished her bottle and I put it in the sink.I walked up the stairs and into my room.Then sat on the bed and Zayn sat next to me.

Lyric looked up and me with her big eyes and I started to tickle her and she started to giggle uncontrollably.

I hugged her close and Zayn wrapped her arms around us and pulled me closer to him so my head was laying on his chest.

We stayed like that not saying anything."I'm gonna miss you"I mumbled.

"I'll miss you too like I always do"He smiled.Lyric wiggled from my grip and started to attempt to crawl but she could blearily move her little legs so she ended up just falling onto the bed.

I laughed and picked her up."You can't do that yet love"Zayn smiled at her and she looked at him like he was crazy.

He took her from me and tickled her."I'll defiantly miss you"He kissed her cheek.


"Do you have everything"I asked as Zayn zipped up the bag carful not to drop Lyric.

"Yep"He said and slung it over his shoulder."Oh,left my jacket in the living room can you get it I forgot something"He said.

I sighed and nodded then walked to the living room and picked up the jacket.When I slung it over my shoulder I heard something fall behind me.

I turned around and almost burst out crying.I quickly picked it up and swallowed my tears then went up the stairs.I felt a mix of anger and sadness.

When I walked back into to room it was mostly anger."Give me her"I said madly.

"What's wrong"He asked worriedly handing me her.I threw the pack of smokes at him.

"You promised"I whispered tears building up in my eyes.


"You promised me you'd stop"I said tears now running down my face.


"I-I was stressed ok,and it was only one time-"

"That's what you always say but one time turns to another and then another,you were six months clean"I said.

"I promise I'll never do it again"He said stepping closer to me.

"I don't want words I want actions"I said.

"Zayn mate we're leaving"I heard Harry call from downstairs.

"You have to go"I said coldly.

He sighed and picked up his bag then walked down the stairs and I followed him.

"I love you and I'll never do it again"He kissed my forehead and Lyrics.I didn't respond just nodded my head.

I still love him of course but he promised me he wouldn't smoke so he has to suffer the consequences.

I watched them get in the car and drive away.I really wanted to work it out before he left but it was too late now.


gif on the side.I'm going to add them to previous chapters and the further ones..if I forget to please comment that I didn't.

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