Chapter 20

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Pills n Potions~Niki Minaj

Perrie's POV

"No no no"MJ complained.

"We are cutting your hair before we go we have to leave soon MJ"Eleanor said.

I watched in amusement as they bickered at each other about cutting her hair.After a while MJ gave in and Lou cut her hair to her jaw .

I checked the time and it was already two."El we have to go"I said snapping Lyric into her carrier.

"Let's go MJ"She said and we walked to the car and got it.It was a long drive so both Lyric and MJ fell asleep quickly.

When we got there we went in through the back entrance and walked through the halls.The girls were still asleep so El had to carry her.

We didn't get to see them before the concert so they just led us to our seats.Lyric had these special noise canceling baby headphones because if she didn't it could damage her ear drums and MJ just got some earplugs.

Louis's POV

The show was about to start.I hadn't gotten to go to the house beforehand because I had to help with some things here.

I heard the music start playing which was our cue to go on.As we ran onto the stage the arena erupted in screams and we smiled and waved.

I spotted El and MJ pretty close to the stage which I was glad of.We sang a few songs when I had this crazy idea.

I bent down to the side of the stage and told a security guard to get to get MJ.He nodded.

It was the perfect time because we were answering twitter questions.Once he got her I bent down to the side and took her from him and positioned her on my hip.

"Say hi"I whispered to her and put the microphone by her.

"Hi"She waved and the audience awwed.

"Say your name"I told her.

"MJ"She said.

"Your full name"

"Mawy Jane Tomwinson"She said shyly and hid her face.

"Who's your favorite uncle"Niall asked and she thought for a second.

"Uncle Hawwy"She said.

"What do you like to do on your free time"Zayn asked her like we were giving her an interview.

"Uhh play with daddy"She giggled.

"What do you play"Zayn asked.

"Tea"She giggled.

"How many tea party's have you been to Louis"Liam asked.

"I lost count"I laughed.

"Who's your best friend"I asked.

"Wux"She said obviously trying to say Lux.

"What your favorite food"I asked.

"PIZZA"She screamed.

"Is that why your so chubby"I tickled her and she giggled.

"I'm not chubby"She pouted crossing her arms.

"Oh your not"I said.

"You shouwld wook at yourself before cawwinf someone chubby"She said.

They boys started laughing like crazy.

"You got burned by a three year old"Harry laughed.

"Tired"She said laying her head on my shoulder.

"Want to go back to mumma"I asked her and she nodded.

They took her back to El and she smiled at me and I smiled back.

We sang the last few songs and the last concert of the tour was over.When we got off the stage Eleanor ran up and hugged me.

"I missed you so much"I said burring my head in her hair then kissing her cheek.

"I did too"She said pecking my lips quickly.I could tell she was still mad.

We got home at about 9 so I put MJ to bed and then immediately after that we started to argue.

"Why why why"She asked madly.

"I just wanted to have fun,I never planed on smoking that stuff"I said madly.

"So you need to be drunk to have fun"She asked.

"Maybe I do"I said.

"Well go have fun then,yeah go get drunk then get high go I don't care"She said.

"I'm not going to do that"I sighed.

"Well then why did you"She asked.

"I was stressed"I said.

"What made you stressed"She asked.

"My entire LIFE"I screamed and she was obviously taken back.She stepped back,I've never screamed at her like that and regret it so much.

"Ok"She said walking away and up the stairs.I sighed and sat on the couch with my face in my hands.I didn't mean to scream at her like that I really don't even though where it came from.

I got up and went up the stairs and into our room.El was already in bed so I took off my shirt and got into the bed.

"I know your awake"I whispered stroking her hair.

"I don't know where that came from ok I didn't mean to scream at you"I whispered.

"But you did"She mumbled.

"And I regret it so much,I regret everything bad I did so f*cking much"I said.

"It's not that easy"She said scooting away from me and I sighed.

A/N more of an Elounor chapter hehe.

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