Chapter 17

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They just Don't Know You~Little Mix

Perrie's POV

My phone rang loudly in my ears as I was listening to music and it made me have a heart attack.I clicked the answer button.

"Perrie"A familiar voice ran in my ears.Oh no.

"Hi mum"I sighed.

"I haven't heard from you in so long"She said.

"That was the point"I mumbled.

"So when is it due"She asked.

"When is what due"I asked.

"The baby of course"She said.

"Mum I had my baby three months ago"I said.

"WHAT!?"She screamed.

"Why didn't you tell me"She asked.

"I think those reasons are obvious"I said.

"Oh me and your father are in the area so we are coming over and meeting it"She said.

"One it's not and It it's a she and two no you are not invited over to meet her"I said.


"Mum"I copied her.

"Please"She begged.

"Fine but only for ten minutes"I said.

"Oh yay see you in twenty"

"Yay"I said and hung up.

"Zayn"I called.

"Living room"He called back and I walked out of the kitchen into the living room.

"What is it"He asked.

"My parents are coming"I sighed.

"Oh"He said looking down.

"Hey none of the sh*t they say is true"I said wrapping my arms around him and he did the same.

"Ok"He sighed and let go of me.

"When do you get back on tour"I asked him.

"Two days.I'm going to feed Lyric"He said.

Perrie's dad's POV

We walked up the steps to this massive house which my wife said belonged to a friend of hers.She rang the doorbell and I heard voices from inside then footsteps coming to the door.

When the door opened it was not a friend of my wife's.It was my daughter standing in front of me.The daughter I never thought I would see again.

"Perrie"My wife squealed in delight and hugged her.

"H-hi"Perrie said and gave me a nervous wave and invited us inside.We sat down on the couch and my wife started to ask Perrie random questions and she nervously answered them.

"Where is she"

"Who?"Perrie asks clearly knowing the answer.

"My granddaughter"

"Oh she's probably sleeping"She says.

"Probably?"I ask.

"Zayn's up there...f-follow me"She says standing up and climbing up the steps.

We follow her up the steps and we walk down the hall and stop in front of a room with the word 'Lyric' painted neatly on the door.

"Just wait here"She said and opened the door enough so she could slip in.I only saw a glimpse but the walls were painted with different colors and were all blended into each other.It was quite nice actually.

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