Chapter 40

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Louis's POV

"Eleanor Calder?"The doctor called; me El, and my mum stood up and followed the doctor out of the waiting room.

We walked into the Doctor Rohr's office and I sat down in a chair next to my mum while El hopped onto the bed.

"Ok so any concerns before we start?"She asked and El shook her head.

"Ok let's start"She said and El laid down and lifted up her shirt.The doctor put some gel on her bump and ran the wand over it.

"Ok you seem to be four months along"She said and El smiled.


"What's wrong?"Me and El asked in unison?

"Congrats you're having twins"She said.

"T-two baby's"I stuttered.

"Oh my god that's amazing Louis"My mum hugged me.Eleanor just smiled brightly and I kissed her smiling.

"Yeah it is"I smiled.

"Well they seem perfectly healthy"The doctor said turning off the machine.El sat back up swinging her legs over the bed.

"So now that we found out you are having twins,it might be a little harder than your first pregnancy obviously"The doctor laughed as did El.

"So you will get tired more easily,and make sure to eat some extra calories"The doctor smiled.

"Any questions?"She asked and El shook her head.

"Ok you're free to go"She said.

"Thank you"El smiled and I grabbed her hand and she hopped off the bed.We walked to the car and I drove back to my mums house.

"Mummy what happens what happens"MJ ran up to El.

"I'll show you later ok?"She asked and she nodded.

"Go play"I laughed and she ran off most likely to play with one of my sisters.

"I'm gonna go make dinner"Mum said.

"I'll help"El followed her.

After we all ate dinner me and El put the twins to bed.

"They're so tiny"She whispered looking at Doris.

"Yeah"I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist putting my hands on her bump.

"We'll soon have two of our own"I whispered smiling.

"Yeah"She said putting her hands over mine.

She yawned and I laughed quietly.

"Tired?"I asked.

"Very"She said.

"It's 8:30"I said.

"The baby's are tired,so I'm tired"She laughed.

"Ok let's go to bed then"I smiled.


Short sucky update i'm so so so so so so sorry

Next few chapters will be all zerrie

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