Chapter 27

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Zayn's POV

"Get up we're gonna be late"I said zipping up Perrie's suitcase and set it next to mine.She rolled,literally,off the bed and fell on the ground.

After and bit she stood up and walked into the closet.I walked to Lyric's room and picked her up.She thankfully didn't wake up.I put a new diaper on her and put a pair of 'baby' jeans and a black onesie and a adorably small pair of fluffy slippers.Then I put a small jean jacket on her and for my own amusement put her blonde hair in a little mohawk.

A/N by the way I don't know if I said that she has brown hair but usually baby's that are born with brown hair end up having blonde hair and baby's with blonde hair end up having brown.ssoooo yeah,and the pic on the side of Zayn and Lux is too cute just imagine her with brown eyes so yeah now continue reading sorry.

I decided to just put her back in her crib to let her sleep a little longer.I walked back to my room and put on a black shirt, black jeans and combat boots with a jean jacket.

Perrie came out of the bathroom with a pair of sweats and a shirt with a random logo on it."I got Lyric ready"I said and she nodded lazily.

"What time is it"She yawned and I took out my phone to check the time."Four"I said and she frowned.

"It's too early"She whined.

"The jet was only available today"I said.

"Ok let's go"She said and walked out the door with her bag.I sighed and grabbed my bag.She went into Lyric's room and came out with her and her little bag.

"What have you done to her hair"She laughed quietly."I made it awesome"I whispered because Lyric was still asleep.

My phone beeped and I got a text that the driver was outside."Ok lets go"I said and we walked out and sure enough the car was outside.

Perrie got Lyric in her car seat and we both got into the back of the car.The driver started down the road and Perrie put her head on my shoulder.

"Go to sleep babe it's like two hours till we get to the airport"I said and shook her head.

She didn't say anything after that so I guess she fell asleep.

The radio sent quiet music through the car until we got to the airport.I woke Perrie up and we boarded the private jet.

"How long is it"

"Around two hours,they say it's going to storm"I said nervously.I've never been a big fan of airplanes so this doesn't work out.

"We'll be fine"Perrie reassured me intertwining our fingers.I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as the plane took off.

Once we were in the air I opened my eyes and sighed in relief."You made it through that,you will survive the rest of the ride"Perrie smiled.

I gave her a weak smiled trying to hide how nervous I actually was.I heard Lyric's little gurgles and I saw her eyes open looking right at me.

Her bottom lip quivered meaning that she was about to cry.I unbuckled her from the seat and cradled her so she wouldn't cry and hopefully fall back asleep.

She smiled at me and played with the chain around my neck.For me and Perrie's one year anniversary I got her her a Z necklace and a P one for me.Mine is obviously different Perrie's is silver with diamonds and mine is just plain silver.

She kept playing with it putting it in her mouth and I always had to take it out but she kept wanting to chew on it."Do you want your binky"I asked her and babbled something I couldn't understand but it meant yes.

"Can you get me her pacifier please"I asked Perrie and she got Lyric's little pink pacifier and handed it to me.

Lyric grabbed it from me and bounced it around before putting it in her mouth.

The plane ride went pretty quick and we thanked the pilot.The fans were right outside the airport so security were with us.

I carried Lyric and she smiled at the fans showing her little teeth.

"Wave bye bye"I said to Lyric and she waved at them and they awwed or she's so adorable.

We got into the van and started the drive to the house."She loves the fans don't you baby"Perrie cooed and Lyric babbled something and smiled her face scrunching up.

I texted my mum that we had landed and were heading over.

" goes nothing.

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