Chapter 38

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Zayn's POV

I woke up next to Perrie,her blonde hair draped over her perfect face and her soft lips parted just the slightest bit.How is this angel my girlfriend?

I checked the time at it was 11:40.

"Babe we have to get up"I sighed running my hand through her hair.

"No,leave me alone"She said scooting away from me.I grabbed her hips pulling her back.

"Stop"She buried her head into the pillow.

"Pez it's already 11:30 you need to get up"I said.

She sighed opening one of her piercing blue eyes.They are always really blue in the morning.

"Morning"I smiled.

"I hate you"She glared.

"Aww you don't mean that"I frowned.

"Yes I do"She said.

"No you don't"I said kissing her cheek.

"Whatever"She said throwing the sheets off of her rolling out of bed.

"Where are you going?"I asked her.

"Makin' sure that our baby isn't dead"She laughed walking out of our room.Shortly she came back with Lyric in her arms.

"Dada"She squealed stretching her little arms out to me.I took her from Perrie.

"Good morning princess"I kissed her cheek and she smiled smiled showing her baby teeth.Hatchi ran up and jumped on the bed wanting the same attention.

A/n I know I haven't really been including the many pets so here's HATCHI.

Lyric struggled out of my grip until I let her go and she crawled over to Hatchi.She giggled as Hatchi licked her cheek.

Hatchi tried biting her fingers but she pulled away and gave him a look,the same look that Perrie gives people when she's mad.

"No"Lyric said still giving him the look.Her face immediately brightened when he started licking her cheek again.

"I think it's time for a bath"Perrie said and Lyric's face dropped and she started shaking her head.

"No no no no no"She repeated pouting her lip quivering.

"Yes"She said scooping her up.Lyric started crying as Perrie walked into the bathroom,Lyric gave me the 'help me please' look.

"Sorry I can't help you"I shrugged.

Perrie's POV

After the water was warm I put her in the tub still crying."Its just a bath it's not that bad"I said putting some baby shampoo in her hair.

"Yes"She said crossing her arms.I laughed rinsing it out.After I rinsed her off completely I drained the tub and wrapped her in a towel.

She squealed in happiness of being out if the tub."See that wasn't so bad now was It"I smiled walking out if the bathroom with Lyric in my arms.

She smiled her hazel eyes crinkling just like Zayn.I walked to her room and put her on the changing table.I quickly put some lotion on her olive skin before putting a fresh diaper on her.

"What are you gonna wear today?"I asked her smiling.

I looked through her wardrobe and found a cute pink shirt and some black leggings.

After I put her clothes on I put her dark blonde hair into two pigtails."There all done"I smiled.

"Let's go see what dad's doin'"I picked her up off the table.I walked down stairs where there were boxes,Eleanor and Louis had decided to move back to their flat because in El's words 'Its not fair for you guys to wake up to a crying a baby every night",and the baby would probably wake up Lyric too.

I walked into the kitchen where Zayn was cooking something up,I put Lyric in her high chair.

I opened the cabinet looking for some formula which was sadly on the top shelf.I tried to reach it but ended up failing."Zaayyynnn"I wined and he looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"What do you need?"He asked putting his hands on my hips.

"I can't reach the formula"I pouted.

He reached up and grabbed the can."There"He said handing it to me.

"Thank you babe"I said pecking his lips and he smiled.

I put the formula in the bottle and shaking it up and putting it on the high chair.Lyric grabbed the bottle and started drinking it.

Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder."I love you"He whispered his breath tickling my neck.

"I love you too"I said.

A/N sucky chapter I know but I thought it was cute I guess.So yeah updated might not be daily or every two days like they used to be because school started,but I will try to update at least once a week .

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