Chapter 19

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Song of the chapter,Love the way you lie part 3 .

Eleanor's POV

I was scrolling through twitter replying to thing with MJ sleeping on my lap.

@ZerrieLova have you seen this *Link*

A/N this is for real

I clicked on the link and it took my to a video.During the video I was wide eyed and scared.Once it ended I picked up MJ and put her in her in her room and closed the door then called Louis.

The video was obviously taken a few months but still.After a few rings he picked up.

"H-hello"He said nervously.


I remember Perrie screaming at Zayn over the phone about a video but I didn't think anything of it.

"W-what are you talkin about"He stuttered.He always stutters when he lies.

"Oh you know exactly what i'm talking about"I said.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry *Breathes* I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"He repeated through the phone.

"What were you thinking"I asked.

"We were drunk ok"He said.

"Yeah,but it's Peru do you even know what you had"I asked.

""He said.


He stayed silent.

"Dead,deceased,passed"I said.

"I'm sorry"He choked.


"Mummy"MJ appeared at the doorway hugging her bear.

I put down my phone and walked over to her.

"Yes angel"I asked.

"Why are you screaming"She asked crying.

I lifted her up hugging her.

"It's nothing ok"I said wiping away her tears.

"El....Eleanor...are you there"Louis's voice sounded from my phone.

I picked it up and put it off speaker.

"I'm here"I said.

"I'm so sorry it won't happen again I swear on my life"He said.

"We will talk about this later ok"I said moving MJ's hair away from her face.

"Ok"He sighed.

"Want to talk to daddy"I whispered to MJ and she nodded and put the phone to he ear.

"Daddy?"She asked.

She giggled and responded to whatever questions."Bye bye daddy"She said into the phone and hung up.

"What did daddy say"I asked her.

"Nothwing"She giggled.

"It's a secwet"She smiled at me showing her baby teeth.

"But I'm your mum"I said.

"Your point"She sassed me.

"Did you just sass me"I gasped.

"Yep"She said skipping away with the bear that Louis got her when he first went on tour.

Perrie's POV

I was about to pull my hair out.Me and Zayn have gotten in just another fight about the video that was taken a few months ago and now not even Lyric can calm me down.

El must have found out because I heard her yelling at Louis.The last concert is tonight in London so me and El are going,even though we have both fighting with our boyfriends.

I picked up Lyric who is almost six months old.And carried down stairs then set her in the high chair.I got out the baby food in attempt to get her to eat it.

I got her spoon and scooped some.

I tried for her to eat it but she kept moving her head."See is yummy"I said pretending to eat it and she laughed and kicked her little legs.

Finally she let me feed her and she surprisingly didn't throw up.After she ate the whole thing I was extremely pleased with her progress."Good job"I said wiping her mouth and she smiled.

I put everything in the dishwasher then quickly cleaned the high chair and got her out of it.

"You ate big girl food"I cheered and she started to laugh.I positioned her on my hip and started to bounce her and she was so happy.I swear she was the happiest baby alive.

The boys are stopping by before the show to drop off their bags so they better not scare me or something.

I walked to the living room and set her on the floor and got out the toys that we had here.She can't crawl yet or sit up by herself so she sat in between my legs and I supported her.

I watched her play with all the cute little things she has like little cars and dolls everything a baby would want.

"Look"I said handing her a little teddy bear and she started to play with it by hugging it sometimes chewing on it and I always had to take it out of her mouth.

"You can't eat that"I said for the hundredth time.She gurgled and laid against me again.

I tickled her and she squealed in delight falling over in laughter.I sat he back up but this time facing me.

I lifted her up and laid on my back so she was above me.By the look on her face I bet she thought she was flying.After a bit I stood up and got a picture boom the sat back down and set her so she was leaning against me and I showed her all the cute little pictures and she laughed or gurgled at each one.

I heard a deep chuckle from behind me and when I turned around Zayn was leaning against the doorway.I smiled and got up taking Lyric with me and ran over to him.

I don't care how mad I was at him I still missed him.When I got to him I immediately hugged him and he hugged me back holding me close.

"She's so big"He sighed taking Lyric from me."She ate baby food today"I said.

"Really?"He asked and I nodded.

"Do you even remember me"He asked her and she squealed and played with his hair.

"Of course she remembers you"I said.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him."I missed you Pez"He said quickly kissing me.

"I'm sad to admit that I missed you to"I said snuggling into him.

"Can the past be the past"He asked and I didn't say anything.

"Ok,but we will work it out"He said and I nodded.

Lyric wrapped her little chubby arms around Zayn's neck and rested her head on his shoulder,it was so adorable.

"She remembers you"I smiled.

We ended up sitting on the couch talking about things,after a while Lyric fell asleep but Zayn just let her sleep on his chest holding her back so she wouldn't fall.

Zayn got out his phone and checked the time."We have to go for sound check"He said sitting up.

I picked up Lyric careful not to wake her."I'll see you guys at the concert"He said and pecked my cheek then went off to get the other boys.

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