Chapter 23

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Fall For You-Secondhand Serenade/Over again-One Direction

Just give me a reason-Pink

Here's an Elounor chapter for you guys make sure to Comment what you think it would mean a lot.

Louis's POV

We got home and Eleanor was sound asleep with MJ In her arms.I got in next to her and moved the hair away from her face.She's perfect I can't believe she's mine.But if we keep fighting she won't be mine for long and I can't let that happen.

Her breathing became more rapid like it always did when she was waking up.I kissed the top of her head and a smile appeared on her lips.I stood up and picked up MJ.

"Daddy?"MJ asked sleepily.

"Go back to sleep princess"I whispered.

After I put her to bed I walked back to our room and got into the bed.El scooted closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her.She nuzzled her head into my chest.

"I love you no matter what"I whispered to her and she smiled widely something she hasn't done in a while.

"I love you too"She whispered and I kissed her and her eyes fluttered open to reveal her beautiful hazel orbs.

I smiled and broke away sadly.

"How was your day"She yawned.

"It was ok"I said.

"Just ok?"

"Yeah because you weren't there"I pouted.

Eleanor's POV

I sighed and laid my head on his bare chest."What about you"Louis asked.

"It was normal,I didn't do much"I said.


"Sing for me"I asked him and he sighed. He began singing a song for me, running a hand through my hair

"You're impossible to find"He sang the last words .looking me in the eyes.

Tears were streaming down my face and I hugged him tightly.

"Can we do it all over again"Louis said.

"We keep making the same mistakes"He said again and I laughed.

"Now you're just making song references"I giggled and kissed him.

"I love you so much"I said laying my head on his chest again.

"I love you to the moon and back"He said.

I heard a little banging on the door.Louis stood up and opened the door.MJ was standing there holding her bear tightly and she had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh MJ"Louis said and he picked her up and she started to cry.

"What wrong"He asked her.

"Dweam"She said and started to cry.

"Did you have a bad dream"He asked and she nodded and cried harder.

"It's ok,your safe now"He cooed.

"Monsters"She cried.

"Don't worry there are no monsters here I swear"He said trying to calm her down.


"Yes princess"He said kissing the top of her head.

"Want to sleep here?"He asked and she nodded.He laid her on the bed and she crawled over to me and cuddled up next to me.

I moved her hair away from her face and just admired how perfect she was.

Quiet snores escaped her little mouth meaning that she had fallen asleep.I kissed her forehead and smiled and put the covers over her.

"She's so perfect"Louis whispered gently stroking her brown hair.I smiled at him,she was the most perfect thing in this cruel world.

Even though she was unexpected she is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me.

"We should go to the park just me you and MJ"Louis suggested smiling.

"That's an amazing idea"I said.

"Then it's settled tomorrow we shall go to the park"He said and I giggled and nodded.


"Hurry up slowpokes"Louis complained as we were walking through the park.How is he 22 again.

MJ ran ahead of me and caught up to him.Louis put her up on his shoulders and I watched them laugh at everything.

I saw the paps out of the corner of my eye but decided just to ignore them.Nothing was going to ruin this day.

Louis took her off his shoulder and pointed to a park ahead.She nodded and started to run towards the park and he chased after her.I laughed and ran after both of them.

When I got there Louis was pushing her on the swings.Both of them smiling brightly.

It felt good to have made up with Louis.To be a family again.

A/N sorry for the Elounor chapter I just had the idea so I wrote it down.Next chappie will be back to Zerrie I promise.But comment if you like the Elounor chapters.

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