Chapter 4

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Perrie's POV

Me and Jesy were shopping.

"Hey what do you think about-"Jesy started to say but I ran to the rest room and spilled my guts.

"Perrie you ok"Jesy asked.

I went out of the stall and nodded.

Jesy handed me a box of pregnancy tests.

"What are these for"I asked.

"To take when you get home you've been acting like this for two weeks. now"

"Jesy I'm not-"

"I don't care your taking it"

We walked out of the bathroom and to the check out.

I put all of them on including the tests.

"Whore"The lady whispered.

"You judgemental b*tch she could be getting that for her mum or sister"Jesy screamed at the girl and she stayed silent and gave us the bags and we walked out of the store

"What if I am and worse..what if it's not Zayn's"

"If it's not he will understand Perrie you didn't cheat on his you were ra-"

"Don't say it"I said tearing up at the memory.

"Perrie everything will be alright"Jesy said hugging me.

"Where to next"She asked.

"I'm not feeling so good can we go to my house"I asked.

She nodded and we walked to the car.

She started the engine and we began driving.

"What if I am Jesy I'm way to young...what would management say"

"Don't worry about it Perrie"

Once we got to the house Zayn's car was gone so this is the perfect time.

She killed the engine and we walked in and were greeted by Hatchi.

"Ok now go take the test I'll be in your living room"Jesy said.

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

*Sighing* this is it."

Jesy's POV

I heard the bathroom door open and Perrie walked out with a test in her hands.

"What does it say"I asked looking at it.

There was a little + on the test.

"Oh Perrie"I said and hugged her and she cried.

"What am I gonna do Jesy"She screamed and sat on the couch.

"We will help you through this Zayn will too"I said.

"We have to tell management and Simon he's gonna be so disappointed what if the breaks Zayn and I's contracts"She asked worried.

"He won't do that one Zayn is in the biggest boy band in the world and two we are the only group to ever win the X-Factor he can't break our contracts"I said.

"I'm worried"

"We have a meeting tonight I will tell the girls to come here and we will bring it up during the meeting"


Perrie's POV

We walked into the meeting room with Management and Simon at the top of the table.

I was really scared.

"Alright first order of business is there anything that you girls would want to bring up or ask"Simon said.

"You can do it"Jesy said.

"No I can't"I whispered.

Jesy raised my hand for me.

"Yes Perrie"He asked.

"I'm pregnant"I mumbled.

"I can't hear you speak louder"

"I'm pregnant"I said a little louder.


"She's pregnant"Jesy said and everyone except the girls gasped.

"That won't be a problem we will just have you have an abortion and everything will be back to normal"The new lady from management said.

I don't know why she is here she's like 18 or something.

"I'm not getting an abortion"I said.

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not I will not kill MY child before it's even born"I said.

"Think of it as putting it to sleep till you ready"

"What the hell do you have no soul"Jade screamed.

"It's for the best-"

"How is that for the best"Leigh asked.

"Well she wouldn't have to deal with a screaming rat"

"Hey children are not rats just because you are a fu-"

"ENOUGH"Simon screamed.

"There will be not be an abortion she brought this apon herself and she will suffer the consciences,no ones contract will be broken Perrie will just stay away from the spotlight till it's here ok"Simon said.

Everyone nodded.

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