Chapter 14

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Perrie's POV

I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach.

I checked the time and it was 2:00 am."Zayn"I said shaking him.

He stirred but didn't wake."Zayn please"I whined and he lazily opened his eyes.

"What is it babe"He asked."I think she's coming"I said.

His eyes widened and he sat up and turned on the light."Are you sure"He asked and I nodded.

"I already made my bag it's in the closet"I said.

He went into the closet and came out with the bag and his shirt half on,it was quite hilarious.

I slowly got up and put on a sweater and my slippers."Go to the car"Zayn said.I walked out of the bedroom and made my way downstairs to find El crying over a movie in the living room.

"Where are you going"She asked."The hospital"I said.

She pretty much flew of the couch and ran to me."Oh my god"She squealed.

"Good luck call me after so I can meet her"She hugged me.I got into the car and Zayn came soon after and we started driving.

The pain got worse and I cried out.Zayn intertwined our fingers."Were almost there"He said focusing back on the road.

He pulled up to the hospital and helped me out.We walked into the hospital and he told the lady at the desk and the got a wheelchair and they wheeled me away.


"Congratulations it's a baby girl"The nurse smiled and wrapped her in a blanket and handed her to me.

I can not believe this is happening.I have a baby.I HAVE A BABY.I smiled down at her as she calmed down her crying in my arms.

"She's beautiful"Zayn kissed me forehead and smiled down at her.

"Can we get you to fill this out"The nurse smiled and handed a paper to Zayn.

"Name"Zayn asked me.

"Lyric"I smiled.

"What should her middle name be"I asked.

"Faith?"He asked and smiled brightly."Yes"I said.

Zayn's POV

I wrote down her name."Lyric Faith Malik born March 25 at 7:46 am"

"It's perfect..she's perfect"Perrie smiled down at her."So are you going to want that blood test"The nurse asked and we nodded.

"We already have her blood so we need yours..follow me"She said and I followed her to a room.

She quickly drew some blood and said that she will tell us in a few.I walked back into Perrie's room and saw her playing with Lyric.

I quickly took a picture before she noticed and then walked up to her.

She handed Lyric to me."I don't want to drop her"I said backing away.

"You won't"She said and I took her,from Perrie.I felt this weird feeling like I needed to protect her from anything and everything.

She was perfect."I won't let anyone hurt you"I whispered and kissed her forehead.

She stirred a bit but didn't wake up from her sleep."Your a dad Zayn"Perrie laughed."I guess I am"I smiled.

There was a knock on the door and El and the boys came in.They all cooed over her.

"Look MJ"Louis said lifting her and she looked at Lyric.

"Baby"She giggled."You were that small once"Louis smiled.

"I was not"She crossed her arms."You were"


"This happens a lot"Perrie asked El and she nodded.

"We've gotta run see ya when you get home"They all waved bye and left.Right after they left the nurse came in.

"I have some great news"She said.

"She yours"She smiled and then left.I kissed Perrie and Lyric on the forehead.

"Now she's even more perfect if that's possible"Perrie smiled.Her blue eyes brighter than the sun and filled with Joy.

"I love you Perrie"I said."I love you too Zayn"She said happy tears streaming down her face which I wiped away.

"I can't wait to take her home"Perrie said and I nodded in agreement.

"Your going to love her room"I said.

"Thanks for painting it and putting the furniture in babe"

*A Few days later*

Perrie's POV

Zayn parked the car in front of the house and we got out.He got Lyric out of her car seat and handed her to me.

I carefully climbed up the steps and unlocked the door.

"WELCOME HOME"Everyone screamed and confetti started falling.

I laughed and thanked them.The girls were also here."I want to meet my niece"Jade said coming up to me and Lyric.

"She's so cute Perrie"Leigh said.

"Lyric aww even her name is adorable"Jesy cooed.

"Look at her tiny little fingers"Jade said in a baby voice.

"What color are her eyes"El asked and I shrugged."She hasn't opened them"I said sadly.

"She will soon"El smiled.Lyric yawned and squirmed a bit then feel back asleep.

"Awww"They all cooed.

"Aww"Louis copied them."Thats all they will be saying...I don't know till when because they still do that"Louis told Zayn and they laughed.

I stuck my tung out at Louis and he returned it."We have to do bye Perrie.bye Lyric"They said and left.

"Do you want to see her room"Zayn asked and I nodded excitedly.

We walked up the stairs."Close your eyes"He said and did.He led me down the hallway and I heard a door open and we walked a bit more.

"Open your eyes"He said and I did and gasped.

The walls were covered in different patters and colors splattered on the walls.

There was a crib with a little lamb and a rocking chair.There was a changing table and a dresser filled with cute little clothing.

"It's perfect"I smiled and kissed his cheek.I set Lyric in her crib and she stirred and her eyelids fluttered open to reveal the same hazel eyes that I feel in love with.

My smiled grew wider and I laughed.Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and looked over my shoulder."She has your eyes"I said and Zayn smiled.

She looked up and me and smiled as much as a newborn could."Hi angel"I picked her up.She pulled at the ends of my hair and I laughed.

Lyric yawned and she eyes were almost closed."Someone's tired"Zayn said as I put her down in her crib to sleep.

We tiptoed out of her room and shut the door."I'm tired I'm going to sleep"I said."I'll join you"Zayn said as I feel onto the bed.

"I missed my bed"I said hiding my head in my pillow.Zayn feel next to me and pulled me into his chest.

"Good night"He mumbled as I drifted to dreamy land.



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