Chapter 5

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Perrie's POV

Two months

Two months of hiding.

Two months of lying.

Two months and I still have yet to tell Zayn.


Because I'm scared.Im scared of what he will say,what he will do.

No I'm not showing a lot yet just a bit but thank god for Baggie clothing.

I was cooking some eggs in the kitchen.

Where is the milk,

"Ah there you are"I said picking up the milk then pouring it into the cup the turned around the walk back to the stove when I tripped and it went all over my sweatshirt.

I pulled it off leaving me in just my tight tank top with my clearly visible bump.I don't think Zayn will be awake for a wile so after I make breakfast I will get another sweatshirt.

I heard the kitchen door open and Zayn walked in his hair everywhere.

"Morning"He said opening the fridge.

"Want some eggs"I asked.

He nodded.

"They will be done in a sec"I smiled.

I turned back to the stove when I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I froze.

His hand ran over the bump and he froze.

"P-Perrie"He asked turning me around to face him.

Tears were building up in my eyes and I turned away from him not being able to look him in the eyes.

"Perrie look at me"He said grabbing my face and forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry"I blurted out.

Why am I apologizing.

"For what" He asked.

"For not telling you"I said looking down at the floor.

His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into him.

"B-but there's something else"I said.

"W-what"He asked worried.

"It might not be yours"

Zayn's POV

She cheated on me after all we've been through she cheated on me.

"Y-you cheated on me"I screamed.

"No no it's not like that let me explain-"

"No I don't need an explanation"I said slamming the front door and running to my car.

I pulled out of the driveway and started driving nowhere.

Pretty soon I was out of gas and In the middle of no where.

I sat in the car and thought about everything about the future the past.


I turned my head and it was Jade tapping on the window so I rolled it down.

"What are you doing out here"She asked.

"What are you?"

"I'm coming back from visiting a friend"She said.

"I don't know what I'm doing out here"I said.

"Did you know that Perrie's pregnant"I asked her and she froze then slowly shook her head.

"She cheated on me she told me the baby might not be mine because she cheated why would she-"

"She didn't cheat on you Zayn"

"That makes no sense the baby might not be mine but she cheated on my like what the hell-"

"She was raped Zayn"Jade said her voice cracking at the end.

I looked at her my eyes wide.

"W-why didn't she tell me"I asked.

"She's scared traumatized afraid whatever"

I left her all alone and didn't let her explain anything.Im an idiot.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Paul's number.

"Thanks Jade"I said.

"No problem"She said walking back to her car.

"Paul speaking"

"Hey Paul I need a ride back to my flat"


"Thanks Paul"

"Yeah yeah yeah remember you have rehearsals tomorrow afternoon"He said as I got out of the car.

I walked up the steps and opened the door.I walked in and it was silent.Her car was still here.

I walked into the kitchen and Perrie was sitting on the ground hugging herself.

I ran to her and picked her up off the ground so she was standing.

"Y-you came back"She smiled.

"Jade told me what happened"I said.

Her face went pale and tears brimmed her eyes.

I pulled her into a hug and she sobbed into my chest.

"I'm so sorry Perrie"I said.

"What if it's not yours"She asked.

"Mine or not we will go through this together I promise Perrie I love you"I said.

"Love you to"



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