Chapter 22

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Perrie's POV

I was woken up by the sound of giggles and some weight on my stomach.I lazily opened my eyes and saw Lyric laying on my stomach giggling uncontrollably.

"What are you doing"I laughed sitting up and positioning her on my lap.

"She wanted to wake you up"I heard Zayn's voice from beside me and he kissed my cheek and I put my head on his shoulder.

Lyric crawled off of my lap and onto Zayn's.He picked her up and blew on her stomach making her giggle uncontrollably again.

"Hey,stop being adorable"He said to her and she giggled again her bright hazel eyes shining at the same time that Zayn's did.

He bounced her around and she smiled a toothless grin.I smiled."I missed your smile"Zayn said gently stroking my cheek making me blush.

I quickly kissed him then looked away."Do you think she's gonna sing"Zayn asked.

I nodded.


I gasped."D-did she just say sing"I asked.

"Sing"She said happily.I picked her up and hugged her tightly."Yeah sing"I smiled.

"That's your first word"I smiled at her.

"That's a good one too"Zayn said.

"Oh I love you"I kissed her cheek and she smiled at me again."She has to stop growing I don't like it"Zayn sighed.

"Me neither"I sighed holding her close to me."You'll always be my baby right"I asked her.

"Of course she will Pez"Zayn smiled.

"I hope"I said kissing her small forehead.She yawned loudly and snuggled into my arms.

"It's still early isn't it"I smiled rocking her back and fourth then set her on the bed.Zayn pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Lyric tiredly stretched her arms out signaling me to carry her.I picked her up and she smiled at me.

"What do you have to do today"I asked Zayn.

"We're working on the new album"Zayn said.

"Really,so soon"I asked.

"Yeah management wants it written and recorded in six months"He said.

"You can do it"I smiled crawling off of his lap and putting Lyric on the bed then putting pillows around her so she wouldn't fall.

"You think so"He asked.

"I know so"I smiled and kissed him."I have to go to the studio"He said and I sighed and fell on my side.

"Just a little while longer"I begged hugging him.He sighed then shook his head and wrapped his arms around my waist and we fell back laughing.

I laid my head on his chest as we talked and laughed,he played with my hair it was just like old times.

"I really have to go but i'll be back ok"Zayn said standing up and putting his jacket on."Ok"I pouted.

"Bye I love you"He kissed my cheek and went off.Lyric was already awake so I picked her up and put on my slippers then went down stairs to feed Lyric.

I put her in the highchair and have her some of her baby food.I sat in a chair and scrolled through my twitter when I heard something fall.My head shot up and I saw that Lyric had pushed her plate off the edge.

"Lyric"I sighed and picked it up and started to clean up the mess.I wiped her face and hands then the highchair and the floor."Its time for a bath"I said picking her up.

I gave her a quick bath then put her in the playroom where MJ was.Me and El watched them play they were just to adorable.

"How's life"I asked trying to break the silence.

"Not so well lately"El sighed sadly and I waited for her to explain.

"Me and Louis haven't been getting along lately,I think that our love just died"She said tears building up in her eyes.

"El love never dies,it gives up and you can't give up just yet try harder I know that the spark is still there you have to try to ignite it again"I said and El looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"Thanks Perrie"She hugged me.

I got up and got Lyric for her nap then put her in her crib then walked to me room and scrolled through twitter.That was the stupidest idea ever.

Zayn's POV

We walked back into the house and since we got back later than expected we all just went to our rooms.

I walked into me and Perrie's room.After I got into bed is when I noticed it.Perrie had cried,a lot.Her phone was in her hands so I took it out and twitter was open.She was reading hate.

She moved around and woke up."Pez why"I asked handing her,her phone.

She looked at the screen and broke into tears again.I wrapped my arms around her and she cried."Don't believe what they say ok"I said stroking her hair.

She kept crying."Please baby don't read that sh*t they are just trying to get to you"I whispered trying to calm her.

After a bit her crying stopped and she fell asleep.I got out my phone I'm going to do something about this.

@zaynmalik You guys are supposed to be my fans I should not have to come home after a long day to see my girlfriend in a blanket of her own tears.

A/N sucky chapter I know sry.

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