Chapter 35

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*Same Day*

Perrie's POV

"Happy birthday dear Lyric happy birthday to you!"Everyone sang as I put a small cake in front of Lyric's Highchair.

Since she couldn't blow out the candle I blew them out for her."Yaaay"We cheered.

I kissed the top of her head.Someone turned the lights back on and I began putting pieces of cake on plates.I put one in front of Lyric and she dug in with her hands.

I laughed and she looked at me with cake all over her face.Zayn sneaked his arm around my waist.

"I can't believe it's already been a year"I said a tear streaming down my face.

"Don't cry babe"Zayn laughed wiping my tear away.

"Sorry"I sniffled.

After opening the gifts that the girls and guys got her which consisted of millions of toys.

After the girls left and I put Lyric to sleep and climbed into bed.Zayn wrapped an arm around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I've been thinking about getting a tattoo"I smiled.

"Really?"He asked and I nodded.

"What would you get?"He asked.

"I have a quote that I like"I said.

"A quote...really"He joked.

I slapped his chest and he laughed.

"Yes really"I said.

"I think instead of a quote you should just get Zayn tattooed on your entire leg"He laughed.

""I said shaking my head and he pouted.

"But It has something to do with you"I grinned.

"I do have you tattooed on my arm so that's the least you could do"He laughed.

"Yep"I smiled.

"So Doll when are you gonna get it?"He asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"You haven't called me 'Doll' in years"I laughed.

"I'm bringing it back"He smirked.

"I will get it if you get me the appointment."I smiled.

"I know a few people."He smiled.

"Of course you do"I sighed.

"So are you sure about getting it?"He asked.

"150%"I smirked.

He yawned tiredly and closed his eyed.

"Night babe"I rested my head on his chest.

"Night doll"He mumbled and kissed my forehead.

I kissed his chest and then slowly fell asleep against it.


Zayn's POV

I woke up with Perrie's body almost completely on top of mine,my legs tangled with hers.

A smiled appeared on my face as I kissed her lips and she smiled lifting her head from my chest.

"Morning"I smiled tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Morning"She said her voice a little raspy.

"'I'm gonna go get Lyric"She said starting to get up.I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her back.

"Ten minutes"I said kissing her shoulder.

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