Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV

We had an emergency meeting with management.And they wanted our girlfriends to come,they didn't even tell us what it was about they just said.Get here quick."What do you think it's about"Perrie asked and I shrugged.We pulled up to the giant building and got out of the car.

We walked down the hall and saw that everyone was waiting outside Simons office."Perrie"El and Dani squealed and ran over to her and they did whatever girls do.

"What do you think the meeting is about"I asked."Shh"Niall said his ear was pressed against the door."We don't know"Louis said.

"Hm but why are the girls here too"I asked.They all shrugged again.

Perrie's POV

"So why do you think they called us"I asked."We don't know I understand if they called them but not us"Dani said."So are ya gonna tell her"Dani asked El."Yep Perrie come with me"El said and I fallowed her outside the building.

"Why are we outside"I asked.

"So no one from management can hear only the lads and Dani and like me and Louis's parents know about this so you have to swear on your life you will tell no living soul especially management"El said and I was a but confused but I still nodded.

"Ok um well ya see..I have a daughter"El said."Really"I asked and she nodded.

"Wow"I said."Yeah her names M.J she's three"She said.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you sooner-"

"No I understand completely"I smiled.Im still shocked I would never have guessed that they had a daughter.

"So how is your baby doing"El asked."She keeps kicking me at night and won't let me sleep"I sighed.

"Yeah M.J would do that a lot have ya had any weird cravings"She asked and I nodded."A few like last week I wanted a tomato with peanut butter"I said.

"Oh one time I woke Louis up to get me a hamburger with the burger replaced with a pancake at two in the morning"El smiled."Thats extreme"I said.

"Guys the meeting starting"Dani said and we walked back inside and sat down in our chairs.

"So your probably wondering why you all here"A lady from management said.I think her name is Lucy.

"So the fans don't think that you guys are getting along anymore and are going to break you will all be moving into the 1D mansion again"Lucy said."What"Louis and El asked at the same time.I was truly worried for them management might find out about MJ.

"We'll start packing dismissed"She said and we all went out of the building."What if they find out"El screamed as soon as the door shut.

"They won't we will all make sure of it"Dani said and everyone nodded."I guess we have to start packing"Niall said and everyone sighed and walked to their cars.

Once we got back to our flat we just kinda stood there."Why is this a smart idea again"I asked and Zayn shook his head."Don't worry it's not as bad as you think"He said.

"When do we have to be moved in"I asked and Zayn said at the end of the week."We just have to pack clothing and other stuff like that everything else can stay"He said."K"I said.

"Management are so smart putting 20,21,and 22 year old guys in one house with two kids...brilliant"


Louis's POV

Me and El were silent the entire car ride.So many things running through our heads.She sighed and ran her hand through her brown locks."What are we gonna do"She asked a worried on her face.

"I don't know"I said."Well they will find out and you will get in so much trouble,they might kick you out of the band or something worse"She said."We both knew this day would come El"I sighed.

"Yeah but not so soon"She said."Don't worry about it El I'll take care of it I promise"I said holding her hand."I just wanted her to be normal"She said tears in her eyes.

"We both know that's not possible"I said."But we still gave it a try"She said.I knew from the start that it wasn't going to work but I still did it because if there is any chance for my little girl to live a normal life I will take it.Well anything except adoption,I could never do that.

Once we reached the house El went over to the neighbors to pick up MJ.I walked into the house and got a text.

Change of plans we need you packed by tomorrow~Simon

Are you f*cking kidding me.I should just call the meeting with him tomorrow.I scheduled the meeting then started packing some clothes when I heard a giggles from the kitchen.I looked into the kitchen and MJ and El were making something."What are you two girls doing"I asked."Making cupwakes"MJ said she had a bit of flour in her hair as did El.

"El can I talk to you"I asked and she nodded and walked out of the kitchen."What is it"She said.

"They want is moved in by tomorrow"I said and her eyes widened."Are they kidding"She asked and I shook my head."I called a meeting with Simon in the morning and I want MJ to come with me"I said and she nodded.

"Mummy it't dwon"MJ said from the kitchen."Coming"She said."Do you want me to start packing"I asked and she nodded."I'll tell her later"She said and walked back to the kitchen.

"Don't burn down the house"I screamed."We won't"MJ said.

I began packing all the CDs and a few movies,I also packed all of MJs clothes and toys and other things she can't live without.I also packed all of my stuff.


I buckled MJ in her car seat and jogged around and started the car.Today is the meeting with Simon and I honestly don't know how he's going to react.I pulled up the the building and got out of the car.

Me and MJ walked in her holding my hand tightly and staying close to me because of how many people there were in the office."Ah Louis Mr.Cowell isin his office"Mari said and flashed me a forced smile.I walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the door and let out a breath.

I opened the door and saw him waiting there."Louis finally"He said and I sat down and pulled MJ onto my lap.

"Now who is this"He asked.

"Um this is who I wanted to talk to you about"I said."Oh...OH"He said realizing something.

"Now why have you kept her from us for so long"He asked."Wait how do you know-".

"Come on Louis 'this is who I wanted to talk to you about' plus she looks just like you"He said."Now again why"He asked.

"Well Modest already hates Eleanor enough so I add her onto the list-"

"So you think they are going to take her away"He finished me sent ace and I nodded."Well we can't let that happen can we"He said.I don't know what he's thinking,well because he never has an expression on his face so...

"Well we will have to keep this between us for now and when they find out I won't let them do anything"He said."Really,thanks uncle si"I said smiling.

"So what's your name love"He asked."Mary Jane"She smiled.

"Nice to meet you Mary Jane"He said.

"Now your moving into the hose today right"He asked and I nodded

"Well you Better get packing"He said.

I stood up."Thanks again uncle si"I said.

"Get out before I change my mind"He said.Bipolar much.


Bad chapter I know

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