Chapter 36

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Zayn's POV

Perrie sat on my lap as we waited our turn.Today we were doing a private interview on a show,one of the segments was couples.We would sit in a darkish room and a person would ask us questions.

"You ok?"I asked Perrie.Her eyes were a dark gray color and her face was colorless.

"Just a little sick"She said her voice strained.

"Still it's been a week"I said.

"I think it's the flu"She said sadly.

"We don't have to do this we can cancel and go home"I suggested.

She shook her head cuddling into my chest.She was in a fetus position her head hidden in her knees and my arms wrapped around her small body.

"Baby,your face has no color to it and you can blearily speak the last thing you need is to be out of bed"I said stroking her hair.

"Just this one interview and then I will stay in bed for the rest of my life If you want me to"She begged giving me her pouty face.I sighed giving in.

"Fine"I said nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck.I could see the smile on her face.She knows I can't say no to her.

"Mr.Malik and Mrs.Edwards follow me"A voice startled us and my head shot up and she was getting off my lap.

We were both blushing like crazy and I intertwined our fingers as we walked down a staircase to the set.There was a couch in front of a dark brown backdrop and a lady was sitting behind the camera with flash cards.

"Hi I'm Mary"She smiled and I shook her hand.

"I would shake your hand but I don't want you to get sick."Perrie said sadly.

Mary smiled and nodded in understanding and we sat down on the couch.Perrie leaned into me as I drew imaginary shapes on her thigh with my thumb.

"So let's get started,how did you guys meet?"She asked.

"We met on the set of Wishing On Star,"Perrie answered smiling.

"So what were your first impressions of each other?"She asked.

"Uh I thought Perrie was cute"I smiled.

"I though he was cocky"Perrie laughed as did Mary.

I frowned and Perrie kissed me making me smile."But now I know that he's only a little cocky"Perrie laughed.

"Hey"I nudged and she smiled.

"So has your daughter Lyric had an affect on your relationship?"Mary asked.

"Yeah I think that she's brought us closer"I said.

"Yeah,but I something really cute is when Zayn's all mad and stuff or he just argued with someone over the phone or something.When he see's Lyric his whole mood changes he turns all happy and I think it's funny"Perrie laughed.

"She's a happiest baby in the world she can make the saddest person smile"I said.

"And how old is she?"

"She just turned one a month ago"Perrie said.

"Aww,so do you guys fight?"

"Every couple fights I think we've only had around one major fight where we almost broke up,but we didn't and even if we did I'm sure I would have found my way back to her"I smiled looking into Perrie's eyes.

"Ok those are all the questions,thank you guys so much"She smiled.

"It's our pleasure"Perrie answered for both of us.We stood up and walked out of the room.

Once we got into the car we buckled in and he started driving.I put my hand on top of Perrie's forehead and she was burning up.

When we got to the house Perrie was asleep."Do you need help sir?"The driver asked.

"No I can handle her"I smiled lifting her up bridal style.I managed to open the door.

I climbed up the stairs and laid Perrie on the bed.Then I quickly peeked in Lyric's room to see she was sound asleep in her crib.

Once I got back to our room I took off her dress and put one of my shirts over her head.

I covered her in a blanket then left the room.There were boxes all down the hall because everyone was moving out.

Yeah it's kinda sad but I think we've been around each other for too long.Everyone needs their space,it's always nice hanging out with the lads.

Me,Perrie,Eleanor,and Louis have all decided to stay for a little while longer because the house is pretty much like two houses and it's closer to the studio.I also think that we can't just change Lyric's environment like that.


It's been forever guys.I'm sorry I've been busy with some stuff.

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