Chapter 26

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"Hey, do you think she always sleeps so defenseless like this?" I heard a whisper say beside me. I turned over to ignore the noise as I tried to get comfortable again.

"She seems like the type that doesn't like to get up." Another amused voice said in a deep voice.

Ugh, shut up and let me sleep!

"Hey poke her and see what she does." I heard someone say with a muffled laugh and others chuckled along with him.

What a weird dream I'm having— then I felt it, the random poke in my side that made me flinch.

I scrunched up my face in discomfort but they continued to assault my side with their annoying pokes.

"Mhmm..." I groaned out, irritated by the annoying shenanigans they were pulling.

"Oh, do you think she's waking up?" I heard someone whisper as of to it let me hear.

"Must be, we don't want the captain the get mad at us so should we stop?" Someone said in a guilty tone but Levi spoke up.

"No way, the captain won't know anyways. He's just as bad, he hates getting up." Levi said with an amused chuckle escaping his lips.

I groaned again and attempted to flip myself over to get comfortable but someone pushed me off the couch and I hit the floor with a loud thump. My nose felt inflamed from the impact of the hard floor and it brought tears to my already sleepy eyes. My hair flew over my shoulders into my eyes so all I could see was my blonde hair in my line of sight.

I heard Levi laughing his ass off at my agony again, as usual and I brushed my hair back. I grabbed my hair and put it into a messy bun with the hair tie that Tessa gave me. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and stood up from the floor slowly looking up to lock eyes with Levi.

He locked his gaze on my sleepy form and stopped laughing to stare at my face in shock. 'Is there something on my face?' I thought sourly looking at him in confusion.

"What's wrong? why are you looking at me like that?" I asked sleepily as I turned to walk by him but he stopped me and leaned in closer all of a sudden. Surprised I shoved him back in a hurry.

"What are you doing—" I went to say but he pointed to my eye making me stop breathing for a moment. My breath caught in my throat and my heart began thumping loudly in fear.

I looked down and sure enough, my contact had fallen out. My eyes widened in fear and I grabbed my contact then ran from the room. 'How could I have been so careless?' I thought as I ran to hide somewhere nearby but away from everyone. 


I stood stock still as I remembered the look on her face. Her eye, it was green. How is it even possible to have two different eye colors? I thought sourly as I ran my hands through a tuff of my blonde hair. I hated the girl for showing up out of no where and becoming more useful than me.

I constantly did things around the ship for the captain but Evan became first mate, then out of no where, this girl knows the whereabouts to take the children that could help the captain. So in the end, she becomes his 'Secret weapon.' What am I if he doesn't need me anymore? He's all I have left, he's my only family.

"Ha ha, Levi don't take what happened to heart. Let's go wake the captain alright?" Jason says with a light smile as he pats my back.

"Ha..yeah, let's go wake him up." I said slowly as I follow behind him.
I was saved by him at a young age, my parents were murdered by the same people that kid napped his sister. I was one of the few people that even knew about what happened to her, yet; he seems so caught up in saving her and taking back his home, that he pushes himself to a breaking point.

What does he see in that naive girl? Why keep her around? I gave out a bitter smile as I think about all the possibilities. He's like my older brother and if something happens to him, it'll be the last time she can give out another bright smile like that.

So carefree, so gentle, yet at the same time, so dangerous. What's with her gloves and the constant hints at self-harm? I don't have much say in what happens in her life but at least don't make everyone else uncomfortable.

She must've been sheltered as a child as she doesn't seem to know how to interact with others, she's a fucking hermit. Constantly going around for pity, telling everyone her problems so openly like she doesn't know what trust means. Is she even human?

I walked up to the door and opened it fervently with a broad smile on my face, hiding my pain. "Captain, time to get up!" I look around to look for him and I see him already dressed in his attire with his sword brandished at his side, "Levi, we leave now. Prepare for battle. I've found their hideout." He says with a dark look on his face.

I nod at him solemnly and back away in respect at his closure. 'We've finally found you bastards! The ones who took my family from me, the ones that stole the captains smile. We'll make you pay.'


I wiped away the stray tears that fell from the embrace of my eyes and sucked in a breath. 'What am I doing here anyways? All I'm doing is going along with what they tell me to live, if it weren't for the children; what would my life be worth living for?'

I stood up on shaky knees and braced myself up against a giant tree. I had walked quite a distance away from the abandoned building and I couldn't force myself to go back right away. I had cleaned my contact and put it back in.

I sullenly walked towards the building again and before I got there, I noticed something huge.
At the end of the path to the building was the Rebel organization's leader, strong, confident and dangerous. He was looking around for someone and that someone might've been me.

I walked around as quietly as possible and met back up with the others. "Sir there's someone—" before I could mention it, the captain narrowed his eyes and put his hand over my mouth. "Shh, I'm aware he's there. That's the man that left me the note. Stay behind me when we go meet up with him." I nod in understanding and hide behind his broad back. How come the one person I wanted to avoid, was the one person we went to meet?

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