L has emotions *NOT A ONESHOT*

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Listen... I know that L seems emotionless. But here's why I believe he's not.

All humans have emotion, it's part of life. Some of us may hide it, but they're still there.

I first noticed L and his emotion when the second Kira first attacked. When the taskforce were all running around trying to go out to the TV station, a frame is shown, for a split second.

L looking down, his fringe covering his eyes and he's gripping tightly to the chair.

This could mean two things, he's frustrated at the taskforce, or scared.

Both of which are emotions.

THAT was the first time I noticed L let the Lawliet slip out of the Ryuzaki.

Not to mention, he did raise his voice a lot, showing anger. He also slapped Matsuda hand away when he tried to tell Light Kira was back, that was in anger.

The fight scene, just because he was calm, doesn't mean he was emotionless, if he was emotionless, he wouldn't have fought back, or screamed when he was flung across the room. And he was obviously terrified and shocked when a shinigami was first mantioned.

More evidence? When he was standing in the rain... yes that heart breaking scene.

He was looking up at the sky and letting himself get soaked. What could he have been doing?

Hiding tears maybe?

Let's not forget he knew he was going to die that episode, maybe we was out there to reminisce and it ended up in tears, hidden by the rain.

When I write my oneshots, I try to think what L would be like in a relationship. With the evidence that he obviously does have emotion, and that Ryuzaki is nothing but a fake persona, I believe he is a very loving person, and the horrible stuff he's been through has made him very protective of those he grew to love. He doesn't want anyone to go through what he did.

It was confirmed that he only ever really trusted Watari, since he was the one that took him in as a child, he's seen L grow up into the man he is today, he's been there for L for a long time. They had a kind of father-son relationship, L knew what family love was.

Then there's Near, Matt and Mello.

He obviously knew the boys, it would be stupid to pick a successor and now know when they were. Although it was never confirmed, I do believe that since they were originally written to be L's kids, that L did have some kind of connection with them.

In short L wasn't emotionless. He knew what love was.

That's why I make him to caring in my stories. Because I feel like he'd find the one he loves and protect them with his life.

Because he doesn't want to loose them too.

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