Home Sweet Home

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           I walked up the stairs to my apartment on the second floor and thinking about what Kuno had just said to me. I just shrugged it off and began looking for my keys when my mom opened up the door for me from inside. 

"How was your first day!" She smiled hugging me tightly as I stepped inside throwing my bag on the couch that was still covered in plastic from the move.

"Okay, i guess.." I sighed. "What's for dinner?" 

"Your favorite!" She smiled opening up the pan revealing the delicious aroma of alfredo sauce in the air making my mouth water. It smelled wonderful. I sat at the kitchen table, The only thing that was officially assembled in the house, and grabbed a plate.

"Any homework?" She asked bringing over the pan of chicken alfredo pasta with some steamed broccoli for the side.

"Some," I explained serving myself a helping. "Just Algebra and parent signatures." 

"I made your favorite tonight." She smiled kissing my forehead. "My way of expressing to you how happy I am that your accepting this change and completing your first day of school."

"Thanks, mom." I smiled twirling the pasta onto my fork. "I just want you to be happy."

"I am, sweetheart!" She warmly smiled as we both sat at the table digging into our meals until five minutes later the home phone rang. She was up in a flash to answer it and disappear into her bedroom to privately talk to whoever was on the other line.

"There goes family dinner time.." I sighed quietly eating alone.

"Duh,  ill be there." I heard her giggle. "Give me 20 minutes to get there, Bye bye!" and hung up. I heard her rustling around for her clothes and new she was gonna head out.

"Mom?" I called out, still seated at the table.

"Nat, I have to go somewhere, I'll be home late so don't stay up." She rushed looking around the living room for her car keys. She had her hair combed down and had freshly applied makeup on. "Bye, sweetie! Brownies are in the oven." She said kissing me on my cheek as she rushed out the door and just like that I was in my new home, alone. My heart sunk in my chest, I should've been used to it by now, But maybe I thought it would be different this time. Guess not...

                        As I finished up my food in silence I was startled by the ringing of my phone in my pocket, I quickly answered it without seeing who it was.

"Hello?" I sighed picking up the plates.

"Hey, girlie its Reyna! Guess who just asked me about you!"

"Who?" I chuckled, Her enthusiasm was contagious, couldn't help but smile.

"Julian!" She screamed out of excitement. "Julian Chavez, And he says he wants to get to know you better!"

"I-uh.." I was speechless, Julian, The guy I've had a crush on since the beginning of middle school, Wants to get to know... me? I took a pause and stopped myself from getting my hopes up. "Rey, I don't think It'll work-"

"Hush up! I told him that you go to Olympian, He seemed fine with the distance!" She cheered."This is the moment you've been waiting for, girl!"

"I know," I admitted. "But...Why now? I live so far now."

"Want me to ask him?" She sighed chewing on something, Gum I bet. "Wanna video chat?"

"I wish I could Rey, but i havent set up my desktop computer yet."I grabbed my bag and headed to my empty bedroom. "I'll- Ugh, I don't know what to do."

"Just do it!" Isabel's voice rang out in the background. "What do you have to lose!"

"Besides, We're here for you girlie," Reyna added.

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