Digging Deeper

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                 After dinner logan kindly walked me back to my house and even though we had just met I felt we had a friendship in development. I headed into my empty apartment where I sat on the couch and rested for a bit to let the food settle in my belly. I turned on the television to see what was on but there was nothing but news going on. I sat there flipping through channels when I decided to just leave at my local news channel and watched the developing stories. I began to slowly stand when breaking news flashed on the screen.

"A dead Body was found in Barrio Heights near an abandoned industrial factory, a local teen was found murdered today named Julian Chavez, An investigation is still underway-" I turned off the television feeling uneasy at seeing the face of that guy on the screen. He looked familiar, My body began physically trembling and I had no idea why. I walked into my room and put on a jacket that was hanging on my door to hopefully stop the shivering. I sat at my desk and began typing in the name Julian Chavez on google.

"Julian, Why is that name so familiar.." I sighed rubbing my eyes and continuing the search. I clicked on a news article that sent me to the developing story of the investigation of the murder. I decided to create a new facebook account to check out this guy's facebook profile, like this guy wouldn't have a profile. 

"Am I really going to stalk a dead guy..." I sighed stopping myself and turning off my monitor and plopped myself into my floor bed. 

                   While I slept I had dreams of blood splattered on rocks and voices I couldn't make out, everything was so disturbing about it. It was like watching it from a third person view of how they slaughtered that poor guy. I woke up sweating and panting trying to shake the whole dream off my mind.

"Honey, Are you okay?" I heard my mother whisper from my doorway as she let herself in.

"When did you get here." I panted reaching for a water bottle on my desk.

"I just about arrived." She said quietly. "Sorry, I had an-"

"Save it, mother." I coughed. "Just get to bed, ill be fine." She nodded and headed to her bedroom while I headed to the living room and out to the balcony to get some fresh air. It was a little bit past midnight and everything looked so sinister in the dark. 

"Must've been that stupid news story that gave me nightmares.." I mumbled gulping down the last drop of water in my bottle. I headed back to my room when I noticed something on my wall of pictures. I stepped closer and noticed a picture of me and two other girls. Twins. 

"R-Reyna and Izza? Izzy-Isabel!" I choked remembering the names and quickly turned on my computer and looked them up on facebook. They must be my friends, maybe they knew the guy I was with. As I waited for them to respond to my friend request I began looking up Kayla and Ruzzel and almost quickly Ruzzel responded to my request. 

Ruzzel: Shouldn't u be in bed? What are you doing this late on facebook lol

Natasha: Hey! And nothing just got an itch I cant scratch. Do you know anything about my accident by any chance?

Ruzzel: Not a clue, I was at In an Out. Everything ok?

Natasha: Yeah, Just tired. TTYL Kay?

                       The next morning I woke up early and sat at my desk reading the news update about Julian. Why am I so curious about this? I was on facebook and began viewing his profile, it was full of condolences and all his friends saying they missed him. I began looking at his pictures mostly of his family and then I clicked on an album labeled "School Friends". As I was beginning to look through a picture a knock sounded at my door.

"Natasha?" My mom yawned entering my room.

"Yes?"  I gulped turning off my monitor and rubbing my eyes.

"It Wednesday, We have to go remove your stitches, Hon." She said as she reached out to caress my face. I moved away from her affection and just nodded. "I'll wait for you in the car." She sighed and left. 

                              As I walked through the entrance of the hospital I asked my mom to wait for me in the waiting room as I entered the elevator to the fifth floor my head was beginning to ache due to the lack of sleep from last night. 

"Come on..." I mumbled waiting for the elevator doors to open. I headed out as soon as they opened. Big Mistake. I walked into someone on the way out and fell beside them.

"I'm so sorry!... Wait, nat?" Kayla said helping me up.

"Hey, Kay?" I said getting back on my feet. "What are you doing here?"

"I Volunteer here with Therapy group sessions." She smiled. 

"Really, Cool." I smiled back as her eyes wandered down to my necklace.

"You haven't taken that off?" She pointed out.

"No, I guess its gonna be stuck with me now," I said taking it in my hand. " I don't know who it belongs to or who gave it to me. Guess its a mystery I'm gonna have to find out." I sighed.

"I don't think its even worth it." She chuckled. "Some things are better left dead." I shivered at her statement for some odd reason.

"Y-Yeah." I gulped. "Do you know where uh, Doctor-"

"Rey. Yeah Down the hall and to the right." She instructed. "The office is right there."

"Thanks, Kay." I smiled.

"See you at school tomorrow?" She waved as I walked away.

                       As I sat on the exam table with the doctor pulling out threads from my cut there was her assistant asking me questions.

"Have you been experiencing any headaches?" She asked.

"Yeah, But its usually cause of lack of sleep lately," I answered.

"Have you has this problem before?" Dr. Rey asked as she prepared to move on to the other side of my face.

"Not really. I usually fall asleep and wake up like normal." I sighed. "Doc, When will my memory come back?"

"Days, Weeks." Her assistant answered. "Sometimes things trigger your memory and will cause fragments of it to come back. But with time it will come back."

"Have you been having problems with your memory?" Doctor Rey asked.

"I guess so." I sighed. "I get like these spontaneous flashbacks - And they aren't like full complete memories it's scary..."

"And we are done." Doctor Rey said cleaning up her supplies. "That is normal, It will happen and eventually your memory will piece together the fragments. It's just a waiting game sweetheart. My assistant will escort you to the lobby, I expect to see you in a span of a month to check up on this wounds. No more joy rides Miss Castelo." She smiled.

                     When I got home I resumed my research on my computer and began to pick up where I left off. I flipped through Julian's school pictures when i stopped and saw four recognizable faces. 

"Isabel... Reyna...Julian." I gulped as I sat there in shock at the people in the photograph. "And me," I said in awe as I looked at the caption. 'At the School Beach Fusion With these Cuties!'. I was friends with Julian Chavez. I sat there in awe and amusement cause maybe I had just hit a crack in fixing my memory when I received a message. Probably from Ruzzel. I clicked on the message bar and it read:

Hey, It's me. I saw you made a new FB, But we need to talk about that night. 

I sat there confused, my amusement turned into curiosity as I looked at the sender, Whoever it was, they know something. 

"Isabel... My friend?" I gasped smiling. "Yes! But what would she wanna talk about...?"

                                                "What happened that night?"

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