Life is a Beach II of III

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               Just as our lips were about to interlock into a longing kiss we were disrupted by Jessica and Natalia who stumbled in drunk. Angel and I quickly separated as we tried to hide our faces of embarrassment. 

"Tony wasn't home!" Jessica giggled sitting on the couch. Natalia laid on the bed in front of me, I patted her head. "By the way, mom and dad..." Step-dad, "Went off to a hotel, So your gonna stay here with us for a weekend!" 

"Fun, huh!" Natalia smiled looking up at me, "So, Are the boys hotter in the united states?" 

"That is my cue to go!" Angel said standing up. "You girls have your girl talk. I'm gonna go grab some food."

"Alright bye." Jessica hiccuped. Angel left, but not before giving me a sly wink as he headed out the door. I couldn't help but blush and feel butterflies in my stomach. It was a first time I was feeling like this in a long time.

                It was starting to get really late, Like 4 in the morning late, And the girls and I were still up drinking. All three of us were laying in bed and eventually, we all knocked out, except I was on my phone messaging Lexie.

L: How's TJ?

N: Not bad. I'm staying at my mom's boyfriends family's house. They're fun. But it feels like my mother ditched me here.

L: Make do with what you have. Don't brood over your mom, Why don't you escape and look for more fun. I bet there are a few good looking guys around Tijuana. ;) 

N: There's one here actually.

L: Then go have some conversation with him. Is it worth a shot?

I shut my phone off and got out of bed, careful not to wake Jessica or Natalia up. I left the room and entered the backyard where I took a deep breath of clear cold air. I snuck a few cigarettes in my bag and just now was able to get a break and smoke one. I lit it up and blew out smoke as I looked up at the night sky. I sat on a lawn chair as I relaxed as much as i could.  Logan passed through my mind, I couldn't take away that guilt feeling. I had set up Logan for Kayla's twisted mind games, Ash from my cigarette fell and landed on my knee. 

"Fuck.." I cursed rubbing the area.

"Couldn't sleep?" I heard Angel's voice sigh as he appeared behind me.

"I-I Umm, I didn't hear you come up behind me?" I gulped startled a bit. 

"Lost in thought maybe?" He smiled plopping himself in the chair next to mine. "You smoke?"

"I uh.." I quickly scrambled to put it out and toss it. "Uhh no.," I said, but as I spoke smoke left my mouth. 

"Relax." He chuckled. "I'm not your mom or dad. Just a friend."

"Step-dad mind you." I sighed. 

"So tell me about yourself." He yawned. "What do you American girls do for fun? Got any girls you can introduce me too?" He said with a wink.

"Well, I-"

"Lets cut the crap." He suddenly said approaching me and stopped two inches away from my face. "You like me, Don't you?"

"Umm," I blushed super hard. "I-i just met you-"

"We have all spring break for that." He smiled. "It used to be boring. but now that you're here, It seems more interesting all of a sudden."

"You're very direct." I gulped, still blushing red.

"I just don't like wasting time." He said giving me an attractive smirk and locked his lips on mine once again. "We should get some rest."

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