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                    Kayla pulled into the empty parking lot near the mall, we were just 10 minutes late. We got off the car like a team, she had my back. I leaned against the car inhaling the fresh cool air as the sun was setting turning the sky into flames of orange and red. 

"You okay?" Kayla said admiring the sky along with me.

"Yeah, Its just so beautiful." 

"I know." She smiled, but she wasn't even looking at the sky. "Well, uh- Let's get moving."

I walked into the mall and stood by a fountain looking around for Isabel and Reyna and that's when I found them, well one.

"Reyna?" I called out to the blonde girl sitting on a bench next to the fountain.

"Nat." She sighed standing up and facing me. "You came..." 

"I did." I gulped. "Where's Isabel?" 

"I have a question for you. I want you to answer seriously." She sighed ignoring my question."Was it you who killed Julian?" 

"I didn't even know him." I scoffed. "Besides-"

"Know him?" She said shocked. "You loved him, You fucking followed him around like a fucking puppy for fuck's sake!"

"Not true." I grinned. "Maybe it was Isabel who did Since she fucked him after all!" I was grateful no one was around to hear us. Kayla stood behind me for moral support, I felt safe with her around. "If you tell me, Isabel was the real puppy, or should I say bitch!"

"How dare you!" She shoved me. "We were your friends! What the fuck happened to you?!"

"Reality happened Rey!" I shoved back. "You two were never my friends! You used me! Isabel backstabbed me!"

"So that's why you murdered Julian!" Isabel shouted coming up from behind her. "You killed him because he was supposed to be ALL yours?"

"Fuck you, Isabel." I sighed walking away. "Go jump on someone's cock, since that's what your good at.." Once I reached the car I broke down, I've never been mean to anyone in my entire life and now doing this was all so new to me.

"Why are you crying?" Kayla comforted. "You did great."

"I-I've changed." I sobbed. "Those two were my friends, How can something drastically change from one day another?"

"It happens." She hugged. 

"What if I did kill Julian." I cried. "I don't remember that night and it could've been me, cause I dream of blood and-"

"If you did it was probably because he deserved it." She cried with me. "He was a manipulative asshole and he got what he deserved."

"You think so." I cried.

"I know so." She smiled. "Stick with me and I'll help you." and before I knew it Kayla leaned close to me and her lips met mine. Nothing went through my mind, I was just confused. I shared that moment with her. I was the first to break the kiss as she looked back at me I shyly looked away.

"Please tell me I'm not as forgettable as your silence is making me feel..." She gulped.

"Your not." I smiled. "How can I forget you." 

"Good." She smiled and that's when it hit me. My body felt light and warm and my eyes felt unbearably heavy. "K-Kayla..."

"Just go with it." She said combing my hair with her fingers and I shut my eyes and drifted away.

Killer Instinct Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now