Life is a Beach III of III

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           The next day i was on my bed at my grandma's house, from my mother's side, I was curled up in a ball regretting not having sex with him. 

"He wouldn't have gotten mad if I just had sex.." I said sternly to myself. "Why couldn't I just do it!" I kicked my laptop off my bed and tossed the pillows in rage. "I fucking hate myself!" I heard knocks coming from my bedroom door.

"You okay?" I heard my grandma ask. 

"Yeah...Just wanna be alone for awhile.." I wept. 

"You sure, Do you wanna talk-"

"I said leave me alone!" I fumed getting up and locking my door. "Just go away!" 

            The next couple of days I didn't eat or sleep well, I just kept thinking of what had happened. I just had to talk to him this upcoming weekend, There was to be another family reunion at Jorge's sister's house, I would get to see him again. I would be ready, and we will go back to being normal, Yeah. I began searching through my bags for clothes that would help me grab his attention again. I chose a black long sleeve V-Neck and a Blood red vest that had two skulls buttons on the front. Along with some ripped up black jeans, I needed to show him I wasn't a little girl anymore. The weekend came and Jorge and my mother picked me up from grandma's house to head on over to his sister's house.

"You look beautiful!" My mom complimented. "You put on makeup, Whats the occasion?"

"Just wanted to feel pretty." I smiled feeling confident in myself. Excitement rose within me, just the thought of seeing him again was enough to make me smile. I wasn't gonna fuck it up this time. We drive for an hour, his sister lived outside of the city and up some hills where it wasn't very pavemented. There were steep hills that led into boulders and rock, one wrong turn and the car can just topple over. Lucky for us, Jorge knew how to get around them. 

"Is this your daughter!" An enthusiastic young woman approached me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you.." I choked out, her name was Ana, she was the youngest Jorge's siblings. She led me inside her house and into the backyard where jess and Natalia were already drinking at. No sign of angel yet. 

"Weird seeing you here without your brother." I smiled hugging Natalia.

"Haven't seen him all day, he was gonna go pick up our mom. He'll be here shortly! But come on, The meantime we can play cards!" I sat with them on the patio table, I was feeling very impatient. An hour passed an Angel still had not arrived, I was beginning to think maybe he wasn't.

"I won! Ha!" Jessica snorted laying down her cards. "You owe me-"

"I don't owe you shit!" Natalia argued throwing her cards at jess. "You cheated!"

"I'm gonna head inside and use the restroom." I sighed rolling my eyes. I left those two and headed inside and looked at myself in the mirror. I fixed my lipstick and reapplied my eyeliner, I let my hair loose and combed it with my fingers. 

"Please come.." I sighed to myself. I closed my eyes for a second and suddenly I heard his voice.

"The party is here!" I heard his voice from the backyard. 

                 I quickly dashed out of the bathroom and headed out to the backyard. My heart was racing and I was already smiling, Everything was gonna be normal again. But I had spoken too soon, My heart felt like it flatlined the moment I saw his arms around another girl. The same girl I saw him with outside three weeks ago. 

"Family!" Angel began announcing. "This is Carla, My girlfriend."

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." Natalia smiled and hugged Carla.

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