Ravaged Spirit

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                  The next day I was in Mr. Ostrander's class, I noticed that he wouldn't take his eyes off me during the entirety of the class period. I would look away and focus on my work, but how could I focus when all I could think of was Ruzzel. It was still hard for me to believe we even kissed, My first kiss. 

"You okay?" Some guy sitting next to me whispered. "You look like your getting a fever, your face is red."

"I-Uh No, No, Definitely- I was just-" I really couldn't think of a lame excuse to tell this guy. 

"Am I interrupting something? Mr. Rivera, are you bothering Miss Castelo?" Mr. Ostrander announced in his strict voice. 

"No, She just looked sick." The guy explained. "Maybe she should go-"

"Ill decide if she needs to the nurse Mr. Rivera, For now, Leave her alone." He said sternly and resumed lecture while he stood near me for the duration of the class. "Alright class, study, you have exams next week, so please study!" He reminded as we packed our stuff to go to lunch.

"How are you feeling Natasha?" Mr. Ostrander asked beginning to caress my arm. "You seem more flustered, Something the matter?" He smirked.

"No," I nervously laughed. "Just excited about the dance, I guess."

"That so?" He smiled. "I look forward to it too, even more now that you'll be coming. I was thinking, Maybe I could pick you up and we can go to the dance together- I mean if you have no other ride that is." 

"Um, I think My friend Kayla is giving me a ride," I assured. 

"Tell me, Natasha." He sighed patting my head. "Why do you hang around someone like Kayla Cohen? I have heard from many sources she is a troublemaker."

"She saved me." I gulped standing up. "Everyone has two sides, one here and one outside of school."

"Indeed, I couldn't agree more, Natasha." He smiled. "But here at school, She is very protective of you. Odd, But I digress." 

"Um, I have to go." I sighed rushing out of the classroom to go meet up with the group when I bumped into Ruzzel.

"Hey, Uh you." I blushed. "I thought you would be with the group right now?" 

"I-I was." He stuttered pulling down his jacket sleeves. "Can we talk?"

"You're wearing a jacket when its 80 degrees out?" I questioned looking at his arms. 

"Its cold in class." He sighed. "Forget about it, Can we talk about yesterday?" He pulled me into an empty classroom and shut the door. "I-I was a bit high, I actually had no clue what I was doing..."

"Oh.," I said feeling my heart sink to the ground. "Um-"

"Sorry." He sighed. "I was just messing with you, Just wanted to see how really Naive and stupid you were." He smiled. "And might I add, easy-" I slapped him across the face before he could even finish that sentence.

"Go to hell!" I cried running out of the classroom to someone who I could really talk to, Brad. Yeah, brad is the only one who could understand me right now. I opened his classroom door and stepped inside. "Brad, Can I please-"

"Oh, Natasha!" He said pushing away a student who was on her knees giving him oral. "Shit!" He cursed while the girl on her knees was someone I had previously met.

"Oh its just her." She laughed, not bothering to even put her shirt back on, while Mr. Ostrander was pulling up his pants.

"Don't worry Claire, I'm leaving." I gulped stepping back. "You two can go back to your thing, I should have knocked."

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