Keeping Secrets

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                         I waited by the bike racks on my own since Ruzzel was gonna give Bryana a ride home, Unfortunately, she wasn't gonna be able to join us due to her having a doctor appointment. Brooke was the first one out and I went up to her bike to greet her and she hugged me in response.

"How's your first week going?" She smiled unlocking her bike. "Mine is busy. AP History with Luna is killing me." She giggled, but it sounded forced.

"Are you okay?" I asked sincerely.

"I'm perfect Nat, Thanks for worrying." She smiled. "I'm sorry I kinda snapped at you. It wasn't your fault."

"Kuno didn't have to yell at you like-"

"Oh, Well he's under a lot of stress right now." She sighed fixing her helmet. "It's my fault really-"

"But still Brooke," I sighed. "If he loves you, He wouldn't have yelled at you in that way. He could have simply said no instead of causing a scene." She didn't say anything until she got on her bike and looked at me with an unsure look, debating whether she was gonna tell me something or not.

"Y-You're my friend, Right?" She said quietly that I could barely hear her over all the noise.

"Yes, Of course." I smiled.

"Promise me that if I tell you something you won't tell the others I told you..." She whispered.

"I promi-"

"There she is!" Kayla called out as she was exiting the school gates along with Lexie.

"Bye Guys!" Brooke waved as she was already riding away on her bike.

"You ready to go?" Lexie smiled walking over to me. "We can shop around for a bit and then we can get pizza?"

"Sounds good!" I smiled and followed Lexie and Kayla to Lexie's car in the parking lot of the school. Lexie's car was a pretty White Elantra with black leather seating, A pretty decent car for a high school student.

"You can sit in the front Nat," Kayla said as she hopped on in the backseat.

"Nice Ride," I commented strapping myself in.

"Thanks, It's my dads." She sighed. "I borrow it for school and whatnot, Don't you have a car?"

"Uh, no." I chuckled. "My mom says i don't need one yet, So why waste money on something I don't need."

"Dude, Your mom sounds like a drag. No offense." Kayla said as she plugged in her phone to the radio.

"It's alright, She's not really around much..."

                  Once at the mall, we wandered around the mall for awhile until we came along Hot Topic and Lexie and I were the first to enter the store while Kayla walked behind.

"You two are still into the whole goth phase?" She groaned as I was looking at band shirts.

"Well, it's kinda my style." I smiled. "But I don't really have a style, I just like it."

"So you're confused?" Lexie cooed. "Do you like guys?"

"That's right, There's something we haven't asked you yet!" Kayla joined. "Anyone special in your life?" I blushed at the question, cause the only guy that came to mind was Julian Chavez.

"Well.." I blushed walking over to the jewelry section. "There is this one guy-But he sadly doesn't go to his school. He goes to the high school I would've gone to if i hadn't moved here."

"Whats his name?" Kayla asked with a smirk.

"Julian Chavez." I giggled. "Tall, Tan, Black hair. Dreamy eyes and such a strong-"

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