Change of Plans

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                   "Bye guys! Thanks for the pizza!" I chuckled heading up to my apartment carrying a doggy bag of leftover pizza. I unlocked the door and shut it behind me, It was really dark in my apartment so I headed for the light switch. I put away the doggy bag in the fridge and walked over to my bedroom. I looked at my watch, It was barely 6, I decided to do some unpacking and plug in my computer. I began hanging some Christmas lights around my window and then moved on to unpacking my desktop computer out of the box. Once I ripped up the tape off the box I opened it up to see some of my pictures of my friends.

"Everything was perfect before I moved here." I sighed sadly placing them aside as I took out the cords and the monitor. I looked at the cords than I looked at the back of the monitor and was having trouble connecting them. I heard a knock at the door, at first I thought it was someone knocking on the neighbor's door but then I heard it again.

"Fuck it." I sighed tossing the cables to the side. "I'm not done with you yet Computer!" I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Kuno, he wore his gym clothes and looked like he just finished from a jog.

"Hey, thought I could drop by and say hi." He huffed.

"Hello?" I awkwardly giggled. "Do you wanna come in? I have leftover pizza."

"Would your mom mind if I come in?" He asked.

"Sadly, no." I sighed. "My mother isn't here. Come in." I let him in and took out the leftover pizza and gave it to him on a plastic plate. "You go out on a run or something?"

"Every evening." He chewed sitting at the table. "If you would like me to help unpack i am more than welcome to help you."

"Thanks but I can manage." I sighed handing him a soda from the fridge. "But do you know anything about setting up a desktop computer?"

"Sure, Where is it." He burped. "I'll have it assembled in ten minutes." He followed me into my room, I was kinda shy about it. I've never had a boy in my room before.

"Nice bedroom." he chuckled. "I like what your doing with the bed, Looks more like a relaxing spot. Is this the computer?" He asked taking a closer look at the monitor. "You have the same computer as Brooke, This is easy." He smiled and started connecting and assembling my computer onto my desk. "So how did you meet Brooke?"

"We were lost on the first day, We went to class together and then she took me to meet you guys," I explained picking up my friend's pictures, "Hey Kuno, I don't mean to be nosy. But I heard your planning to-"

"Break up with Brooke? Yep." He replied plugging the cord into the electrical outlet. "But just between the group, aside from Brooke, I don't think I am after all."

"Uh- Is that a good thing?" I asked. 

"I don't know." he smiled. "We'll see. But anyway, your computer is all set up, Thanks for the pizza and I gotta go before my mom wonders where i am."

"OKay, thanks, kuno!" I smiled and watched him go out the door and hurried back to my room and turned on my computer. I logged into messenger and saw that Kayla and the rest of the group had already sent out a friend request, of course, i added all of them.

Julian C: Hey!

For a second, I panicked. I had just got online and Julian had messaged for the first time since middle school.

NatashaC: What's up?

JulianC: Thought about you a lot recently, We should hang out sometime? I got a car.

NatashaC: That would be fun

JulianC: Just tell me a day and a place and ill head on over!

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