Heart Broken

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                That weekend I stayed in my room trying to erase the horror of seeing Brooke holding a gun to her head, it was all too real. I spent the rest of the week avoiding them as best as I could, Brooke didn't come to class and lunch time rolled around I sat somewhere else. I asked Ms. Woods if I could change seats so I wouldn't have to interact with Bryana. She looked upset when she saw I no longer sat next to her, it broke my heart but I didn't wanna be involved anymore. When it was time for my last class I took the long way instead of the shortcut and ruzzel looked like he respected my decision in staying away. It was like that for the rest of the week until Friday finally came and I knew someone was gonna come up to me and ask if I was going to In and Out, that person was Lexie.

"Hey, Nat." She shyly said catching up to me in the hall. "You Mad?"

"I don't like being involved like this with Brooke and the drama with Kuno- Its just Insane."

"I understand, but Brooke is a drama Queen and Kayla even told you-"

"A drama queen? lexie, you saw her holding a gun to her HEAD, Who knows if things turned out differently she could've been dead!" I countered. "somethings wrong with Brooke and we have to-"

"We just want you back!" lexie blurted. "P-Please..."

"I-I got to go to class..." I sighed and stepped into the classroom leaving her without an answer.

                        I walked straight home after school and the usual, my mother left a note saying she came by and left again for a dinner date. But today I didn't care because tomorrow was my date with Julian and nothing could ruin my happiness for tomorrow. I logged onto my computer and received a message from him confirming for us to go to the movies tomorrow at 5. Finally, a release and get away from this place for awhile and from the group.

Julian: See you tomorrow at 5 cutie ;) don't be late

                  The next morning I was so happy the day had come, Saturday, The day I would see Julian again. I woke up and laid in bed for awhile until I got some energy to get up and make some breakfast for myself. I sat up in bed and I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen followed by a delicious smell of sausages being cooked. I got up and walked into the kitchen and to my surprise, my mother was at the stove cooking away.

"Morning Natasha!" She said cheery kissing my cheek. "I made breakfast, want some?"

"I haven't seen you all week..." I said. "I was worried-"

"I was at a friends house dear, Now sit so we can eat."

"And you couldn't come home?" I sighed taking a seat at the table.

"Are we going to argue or are you gonna eat?" She sighed placing a plate in front of me. 

"I'm not hungry.." I mumbled pushing the plate away I was too angry to eat and I couldn't even look at her. I barged off to my room and shut the door, she thinks she could just come home and everything would be alright. I wish I had Bryana's parents, they wouldn't do this to her.

                   The time was ticking closer and closer and I showered and got dressed in something casual. So I put on my usual blue jeans and a black hoodie. I walked out of my room and was planning on not saying anything to my mother while I headed out but she stopped me as I was reaching for the doorknob.

"Let me take you, I assume you're headed somewhere?" She said grabbing her purse and keys.

"Yeah.." I sighed, at least I didn't have to wait for the bus and if I declined she would just keep insisting. So it went her way, she drove me to the Promenade mall. I didn't tell her with who I was going cause than she'd never let me go.

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