A Different Side

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                      "K-Kayla!" I stammered turning around to look up at her as I sat there defeated in a bloody mess. She didn't seem bothered by Julian's dead body still bleeding out on the ground before us. Instead, she took off her jacket and covered it around me as she helped me up."H-How did you know-"

"Everything is going to be okay." She said softly comforting me. "Didn't I tell you I was gonna keep you safe?" I placed my arm around her as she helped me walk and led me to her parked car beyond some trees. 

"H-He was going to h-hurt me..." I cried as she helped me into the backseat of her truck. "I-i didn't know what else to do-"

"You're okay now." She said wiping my tears. "Just try to calm down Okay? I'll be right back." She sighed and shut the car door and disappeared into the darkness. I sat there sobbing at what I had just done, I couldn't get his expression out of my head.

"Calm down," I said taking a deep breath. "It was self-defense...Yeah, it was self-defense." Kayla came back and slid into the driver's seat and started the car. We drove out of here and back into the city. But it wasn't gonna erase what I had just done. 

"You're going to stay over at my house tonight." She spoke lighting up a cigarette as she drove."I live alone so you don't have to worry, Right now you're a wreck. Want a smoke?"

"I-i don't smoke." I gulped.

"It cool." She smiled through the rearview mirror. "No pressure." She pulled up in front of her house and helped me off. "We might need to get you medical attention." She huffed as she set me down on the couch of her living room. She turned on the lights revealing a small cozy living with black sofas and a small wooden coffee table in the center.

"Let's get you out of those clothes." She sighed locking her front door and plopped down next to me. She carefully helped me take off her jacket and then helped me up again to her bathroom and sat me on the toilet.

"Some party huh?" She smiled trying to lighten the mood. She helped me take off the stupid clothes as I held a towel around myself as she did so. She tossed the clothes into a plastic bag and started up a bath while I sat there.

"These cuts are deep.." She sighed carefully examining my back. "I have to call Mama."

"N-No!" I gulped.

"I understand." She said calming me down again. "I'm gonna help you."The bath was ready and she helped me in and started to carefully scrub away the blood of my skin. Bruises were starting to show and the soap was like lemon on my open cuts.

"We really missed you today." I heard her say. "Kuno's brakes went and he crashed into a wall, It was hilarious." She chuckled.

"I-i wish I had gone.." I gulped as the water was becoming a darker shade of red with time. "I wish things turned out different," I said as tears streamed down my face when she got close and kissed my forehead.

"Nothing ever goes according to plan." She said hugging me. "It's going to be okay, I'm gonna help you forget about it."

"How." I cried. "I KILLED Julian. I-I slit his throat-"

"Stop." She said cutting me off as turned on the shower to rinse me off. All the blood was gone but I still felt so dirty, nothing was gonna really clean me off. Kayla wrapped me in a purple bathrobe and helped me once again into her bedroom and sat me on her bed. I laid there still in shock while she looked for some clothes for me to wear.

"What happened at the party wasn't your fault." She sighed. "I wish there was something I could do..."

"You cant." I sniffed. "No one can..."

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