Blank Memories

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                      I woke up the next morning feeling sore and my arms aching in pain from the dispute yesterday. My alarm began ringing next to my head to get up for school, I dismissed it but didn't get up. The house was quiet and there was no delicious aroma of breakfast like there usually is. I got out of bed and headed into the kitchen, still half asleep.

"Mom?" I called out heading into the kitchen. I walked over to the table where she left a note explaining that she had to finalize a few things with some lawyers. "Great.." I sighed crumpling it up and tossing it in the trash. I plopped myself on the couch and stared out the balcony window, it was heavily raining and in the distance, you could hear the sound of thunder. I remembered Ruzzel and that... the kiss we shared together, It made me blush and feel some sort of way. A way I hadn't felt since... Daniel. I decided I wasn't gonna go to school and no one was gonna tell me otherwise. I shut my phone off and disconnected the house phone so neither Lexie or Ruzzel could call me. 

"This is your day Natasha," I said to myself. "Just enjoy it." 

                    While washing some dishes from last night the doorbell rang followed by a knock at the front door. Who could it be this early? I peeped through the peephole before opening the door, Only to see a mail carrier with a medium sized box on the floor next to him. 

"Natasha Castelo?" The guy asked, he looked very young and wore a blue uniform with a front pouch.


"Please sign." He sighed handing me his Tablet.

"Who's it from?" I asked before taking the tablet.

"Uhm.." He sighed checking his clipboard. "Unknown, We were just instructed to deliver it as priority mail." 

"Odd?" I sighed signing my name on the tablet and handing it back to him.

"Have a nice day." He smiled and left leaving me with the box at my front door. I gave the box a gentle kick before picking it up. I placed it on the table and opened it up with a box cutter and seeing what was inside, just packaging peanuts.

"Is this a joke?" I sighed pushing it back and went back to washing the dishes. Once I served myself breakfast, I headed to the living room but bumped into the box making it spill out the peanuts. "Great..." I sighed, dreading the thought of having to pick up all the tiny foam things, but I noticed something among the mess. It was a taped up clear package. I picked it up and took it to my room to better examine it and used a pair of scissors to cut up the clear packaging. It was a small white pouch and taped to it was a letter. In bold letters, it read:


Inside the pouch were 5 vials filled with a black thick liquid ready to be used at any time. "Ruzzel.." I sighed placing the pouch into my messenger bag for safe keeping. Seconds later I heard a few knocks again at the front door.

 "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I called out quickly throwing on the messenger bag. I paced over and opened the front door only to see Ashley leaning against the door frame. 

"Playing hooky now?" She sighed stepping inside without asking me. "You know this is gonna really affect your GPA." She smirked sitting herself down at the kitchen table.

"Why are you here? Tay-Ashley." I asked locking the door. "As far as I know, We never usually talk. It's always your puppet master, Kayla, Who does the talking for you." 

"Came here to visit an old friend." She smiled. "What? I thought you loved me nat?"

"What the fuck-"

"You dont remember?" She scoffed standing up as she began to pace around me. "Dancing in that storm, and even that-"

"Shut up..." I gulped.

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