New Feelings

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              The next day I was discharged from the hospital really early in the morning and my mom picked me up to take me home. I went into my room and laid on my mattress while my mom made breakfast in the kitchen. I didn't feel like myself for some reason, it was bugging me not to know what had happened. I had no phone, I guess I lost it in the accident. I looked over at my computer and thought that maybe I would find who I was with that day. I sat at my desk and went online.

"That's weird.." I sighed to find out that my account has been permanently removed. "Maybe I-"

"Natasha!" My mom called out. "You got a visitor!" I heard footsteps walking down the hallway followed by two knocks at my bedroom door.

"Come in." I sighed shutting down my computer.

"Hey, Nat." Kayla smiled approaching me with a box of candy. "Nice room."

"Thanks, Don't you have school today?" I asked ripping open the box just to get into the sweets. I haven't had sweets for a while and I was really craving some.

"Decided I didn't wanna go." She sighed plopping herself on my mattress. "I wanted to be with a friend right now," she added with a genuine smile.

"You didn't have to do that, Kay." I blushed. "You barely know me."

"True." She smiled. "But I feel like your someone who understands me, No one else does...."

"I'm sure Brooke and Bryana are people who understand you." I chewed. "I'm ... Nobody." Kayla stood up and wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug.

"You used to be nobody nat." She said. "Now your someone who matters."

"Kayla." I gulped thinking fo whether or not to ask. "Do you know what happened the day of my accident?"

"No, I was at In an Out with the gang." She answered.

"Oh, Just thought maybe I had mentioned it to someone." I sighed.

"Cheer up." Kayla smiled. "With time, You will learn to just forget about it." She stood up to examine my pictures on my wall. "What do you remember about the accident Natasha?"

"Nothing solid." I sighed. "Its like blurry motion pictures in my mind of streetlights." as I spoke my mind was aching from trying to remember, I guess it was noticeable cause it caught the attention of Kayla.

"You okay? You went pale." She said putting my hair back and beginning to braid it.

"Y-yeah, just dizzy." I sighed trying clear my head. "Guess it's been too much excitement for one day." I joked.

"I should let you rest then." She smiled laying me down and tucking me into my floor bed."Can you promise me something, Nat?

"Of course." I smiled.

"Promise we will always be Friends Forever."

"I promise. For Ever and Ever!" I smiled as she kissed my forehead and left me to rest. 

                           I slept for hours an woke up to my stomach grumbling loudly aching for food. As I sat up I called out to my mom to help me stand. But I received silence. 

"Mom?" I ached to get up on my own. "I need help.." I gasped feeling my side ache as I was finally able to get on my feet. I walked to the kitchen where I found a note taped to the refrigerator. One glimpse at the note and I knew my mother had gone back to her old antics.

"Great.." I sighed crumpling up the note and tossing it in the trash. I couldn't help but feel hurt over this, I actually thought she was gonna stay by my side for a while. I looked up at the clock and it was about 4 pm and it was still a bit light outside. I decided to walk to the nearby plaza to get some food. It was painful to walk and I felt ashamed to be seen in public with cuts on my face, what was worse was the looks people would give me. Oh well, Fuck them. I looked around the plaza for something that I felt like eating and entered a small Italian restaurant that smelled delicious as I entered. I sat in a booth and was welcomed with breadsticks with a side of tomato sauce as I waited for a waiter to bring me a menu.

"Hello, Im Logan and I will be your waiter today." A tall guy with short brown hair that was parted to the side introduced. "Here is your menu, Today's specials we have a medium pizza with some sides and a drink if you would like to add- I uh, Sorry if I ask but are you here on your own or is someone...?"

"Oh, No I'm here on my own. Just me." I smiled awkwardly at the random question.

"I apologize, Its cause since I have seen you with a group of friends I just supposed-"

"You worked at the other Italian restaurant, at the mall right?" I said hardly remembering his face in the background.

"Y-yes." He smiled shyly. "I work part time both here and there to save up for college."

"What college are you planning on going?" I asked wanting to have a conversation with this guy.

"Southwestern." He smiled.

"Me too!" I smiled flipping through the menu.

"Great school," He chuckled. "So do you want me to leave you with the menu or-"

"Um Ill order now, Can I have the margarita pizza with a side of Alfredo pasta and a drink please," I ordered.

"Hungry?" He chuckled writing my order on his notepad.

"Starving." I smiled. "Hospital food isn't what its cut out to be."

"I hear ya, I've gone many times." He chuckled. "I'll go fetch you your food, be right back."

I patiently waited for my food, despite the grumbling going on in my stomach. I began playing with my napkin by folding it into a swan bird. As I looked at my napkin swan a flashback of red filled my thoughts, I began to feel nauseous. 

"Here is your Pizza." Logan startled me. "and your drink, pasta is gonna take a little longer-"

"Thank you, logan." I smiled trying to ease my nausea. "Would it be a bother to ask for some cold water too?" I gulped.

"No, bother, ill go fetch it right now." When he returned with the water I reached for my pocket, lucky for me I had kept my pills in there and took one in hopes to ease my pain and nausea. As I sat there feeling unwanted and alone I began eating my pizza as I watched a couple be a loving in the corner of the restaurant. They looked so happy, Was I ever gonna find somebody like that? As I ate I noticed Logan sitting in the in the booth on the other side of the restaurant eating alone, must've been his break or something. I caught his attention and waved him over, he was confused at first but then finally understood what I was referring too.

"You sure you don't mind?" He asked, bringing over his food.

"Of course not, Nobody should be eating alone." I sighed. 

"Agreed." He chewed. "So can I ask, What happened to uh-"

"My face." I chuckled. "I got in an accident, A really bad one too."

"Damn, Was it with that guy you were with at the movies?" 

"A G-guy?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I was with on a date with a girl too and I remembering seeing you go to the movies, We saw the same movie too." He smiled as he continued to eat. 

"Wh-what was this guy like? What did he look like?" I asked Pushing him to give me an answer.

"I can't really say, I was more into my date than your man." He sighed. "D-Don't you remember?" 

"Sadly no." I gulped. "I can't remember related to the accident."

"Damn, If its any help, I do remember something from that guy." He sighed pushing his empty plate to the side.

"What is it?" I said intrigued.

"He wore that same dagger necklace your wearing." He said. "You seem very troubled on trying to find answers. Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did. The best thing, Let. It. Go..."



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