Second to Last

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                                                                               Two Weeks Later

"No sweetheart, please! I'll change." My mother pleaded while I stuffed everything I could into a box. "Wh-Where are you going, At least tell me that!"

"Somewhere far away from you." I sighed rolling my eyes. "Like you even fucking care, Go out with your lover and get lost!" 

"Y-You just out of the hospital, Can we talk about this!" She gulped blocking the door.

"What part of far away from YOU." I sighed. "Do you not get?" I said shoving her to the side. 

"Please don't go." She cried as I threw the house keys on the couch. "I can change hon, just please-"

"Really?" I laughed. "Change now? Don't you understand all this happened because you were never fucking home! Why didn't you change then!" I left and slammed the front door, Kayla was outside smoking a cigarette.

"You okay?" She sighed putting it out and grabbing the box. 

"Yeah let's just get out of here." I panted. Kayla had arranged for me to live with her, she had a house all to herself and her brother. Kayla had an extra bedroom that was gonna be my room from now on. 

"Martin is making dinner, You'll meet him tonight." She sighed as we got into her car. 

"Never knew you had a brother." I sighed pulling out a cigarette. "How old is he?"

"He's three years older than us. He's a senior at another school, he got expelled from our school."

"Expelled for?" I sighed letting out smoke.

"FIghting and whatnot." She said. "But he's getting better." We drove up to her house and was greeted by her brother in the garage. He was busy with a blowtorch on the workbench, I didn't see his face until he took off his mask.

"You must be Natasha." He grinned. "Glad to see you alive." 

"Yeah." I sighed. "What's that you working on?"

"A part of my motorcycle, Its out back." He smiled. "Maybe I'll show it to you after dinner."

"Thanks.." I said and followed Kayla into the house where she showed me my room. It was pretty normal, I had a bed, a desk, and bathroom all to myself. The walls were painted light blue and had a few Disney frames hung up on the walls.

"You like it?" Martin huffed placing the box on my bed. "Kayla and I work at Disneyland every other season, have you been?"

"Once or twice," I answered opening up the box. "What's it like?"

"Simple, Kayla and I know every door and tunnel in that park," he explained. "Plus we know how to manage everything."

"Sounds like fun," I said faking a smile, I just wanted him to get out of my room.

"So, you got a boyfriend?" He said stretching upward, purposefully to show his abs and muscles, which were very developed and sexy. "I mean you are-"

"Pretty, Cute, attractive?" I finished. "I've heard it before." He looked at me and chuckled.

"I wasn't gonna say that." He smiled standing up and took a step forward toward me. "Your more dangerous, and I love danger." He whispered and headed out of my room, I made sure to close my door. I kept my mind busy by unpacking my clothes and placing them in the drawers when a knock sounded at my door followed by Kayla peeking in.

"I have someone I want you to meet." She smiled and pulled in another girl, Thin, Long black hair and Light tan skin. 

"This is Taylor." Kayla introduced. "She works with me and she's been a chill friend. She's gonna join us for dinner!"

Killer Instinct Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now