Lost and Found

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                          I sat with Lexie at one of the empty lunch tables outside, It was an okay day so far. I just wanted to forget about my spring break, I wanted to move on from angel and wrap my mind around something else.

"Whats the matter?" Lexie asked concerned. "Didn't have a good break? Is it about that guy you talked to me about?"

"I really don't wanna talk about it." I sighed picking at my salad. "I'm not very hungry."

"You can give it to Kuno." Lexie sighed as Kuno and Daniel approached the table. "Want Nat's salad? She hardly touched it."

"Sure." He sighed as both Daniel and Kuno sat across from us. Kuno took my salad and began devouring it, He was very hungry.

"You're not gonna eat?" Daniel questioned, I shook my head in response. "You okay?"

"Spring Break sucked hard." I sighed looking up at him. "Someone got fired." 


"Yeah, Mine sucked too." He smirked meeting his gaze with mine but quickly looked away. "We should hang out sometime. Just to get your mind off things. Y'Know, as friends.."

"Uhh yeah." I sighed giving him a weak smile. "That would be great actually."

"Friday, After school?" 

"Sounds good." I sighed feeling a bit better. 

"Cool. I gotta run, Football practice in five minutes." He sighed rolling his eyes. "See you around, Kitten."

"He is so into you!" Lexie teased nudging my arm once he was out of earshot. 

"Oh hell yeah." Kuno chewed. "He's been talking about you nonstop over spring break."

"Really?" I marveled, "Didn't think he was that into me..."

"You're all he ever talks about." Kuno went on. "You should give him a chance. He's a really cool guy. Your choice, Obviously. But I'm just saying." I sat there watching Daniel as he walked off campus and out the front gate. I was scared to let my feelings run wild again, But maybe he wasn't gonna deceive me. 

"Yeah," I sighed smiling at Lexie. "Maybe I will."

                     Bryana, who had gotten back from Oklahoma, Invited the whole group to hang out over at her house after school. 

"Evening Ms. Green." I smiled giving her a hug after Lexie hugged her first.

"Hey, Sugar." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I just ordered take out. You girls thirsty or something? Its gonna be about 10 minutes till they get here."

"Thanks, Mama," I called out sitting on the couch. "But I think we can wait till the others get here."

"Alright Sweets. I'll be in my room, Give me a shout when the food is here!" She smiled. Bryana came running out of her room to greet us.

"Lex, Nat!" She jumped attacking me in a hug that sent me flying back onto the couch. "Happy to see you guys here! I didn't go to classes today cause ugh I was so tired!" 

"Brought your homework." Lexie smiled placing some sheets on the coffee table. 

"Thanks, Lex, What would I do-"

"Guys!" Kayla entered crying and shaking. "M-My brother.." She cried.

"What happened!" We all simultaneously said. She didn't even make it past the front door, She fell to her knees crying her eyes out.

"Kayla, Talk to me!," I said helping her up and into a seat lexie pulled out for her. "What happened to Martin?"

"Not here.." Kayla gulped taking my hand as we all followed her into the garage.

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