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                        I had to help Kayla drag logan's unconscious body to a car that was about a mile away from the school. We placed him in the back seat of the car and quickly left the scene while Kayla drove.

"That party was the BOMB!" She laughed.

"Who murdered logans sisters?" I said killing her mood, I wasn't gonna join in on her enthusiasm after what happened. "Was it you?"

"Party Pooper much?" She sighed pulling out her cell phone. "We're on the news!" She handed me her phone where a reporter was on the scene.

"I'm here at Olympian High where a mass shooting took place the night of there homecoming dance!"She announced. "Some made it out alive others, Not so fortunate. There has been reported that 25 have died and 8 injured, back to you at the station..."

"Damn, Shame you missed the show, We had front row seats too! Where were you?" She laughed.

"You didn't answer my question..." I mumbled. 

"Oh god!" She said annoyed. "The newb Ken was gonna shoot down logan but before I could even say stop one of his sisters got in between and ken shot the sister. Happy?"

"Oh yeah, Ken." I scoffed. "I stabbed that fucker..."

"Yeah, So get off my back. It was an accident, And with the other sister pfft I don't know, A lost bullet maybe." We drove on for awhile until I looked at my wrist that was bruised up pretty bad, and the bracelet- Daniel.

"What happened to Daniel?!" I gulped turning to her. "Is he okay? Is he..."

"No." She answered and relief came over me. "I think he was one of the few who made it before the shooting started."

"W-Whats gonna happen to logan?" I said looking back at him, He was still out cold.

"I don't know yet, He really isn't my type." She yawned. "But I think you can fix him."

"M-Me?" I looked at her confused. 

                       The car stopped and there was only darkness surrounding us, the only light that shined was from the moon. I knew where we were, I just didn't wanna come to terms with it.

"Seems like yesterday you were just here." Kayla reminisced. "Don't worry, I promise this time you won't be the short stick on this one." She said with a wink. We got off the car and we both carried logan over to the bunker, She reeled the ladder down and while I was thinking of a way to carry logan down Kayla grabbed him and tossed him down.

"Kayal what the fuck..." I gasped.

"He's limp, He cant feel pain." She eye-rolled. "Go down and get him settled, I'm going to set up the place where we're gonna be staying. She walked off into the darkness somewhere while I stood there mentally preparing myself to go down there. Took a few minutes but I was able to climb down. I turned on a few candles to help shine the room while I placed Logan on the bottom bunk. 

"I'm sorry.." I gulped searching his pockets and removing his cellphone, wallet, and keys. I laid a blanket on him and chained his leg to the bunk. I climbed back up to see Eddie standing there holding a flashlight. "Hows Ruzzel?" I asked reeling up the ladder.

"Stable." He exhaled. "He lost a lot of blood but... he's gonna make it." I gave him a weak smile and shut the bunker hatch and began turning the wheel to lock it.

"You alright?" He asked while I sat on a stump. "I brought some clothes, Lexie always leaves extra clothes in my car for emergencies." he handed me a plastic bag. "You look like you had a fucked up night."

Killer Instinct Vol. 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora