The New Kid

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                                                                            Several Weeks Later

                I leaned against the front door of an unknown house and playing with a switchblade that was covered in blood.

"Happy thoughts.." I whispered repeating it to myself. I could hear muffled screams and then Kayla calling out my name for me to head up. I headed upstairs and into the main bedroom where a young couple, slightly older than us were cowering in a corner. Logan was boldy holding a shotgun at them. The look in his eye was terrifying Like it wasn't him anymore. 

"What." I sighed feeling tired. 

"Look outside." She motioned outside in the backyard where there were a pool and two lovebirds making love in it. "Take care of it." She sighed. I nodded and headed back downstairs and into the kitchen where I began looking for a knife.

"Where are they?" I whispered to myself looking around with my small flashlight. I bumped into an old car battery that was on the very bottom shelf that didn't seem to be used but for stashing trash in. I carefully took it out and grabbed some jump wires that were laying alongside it. I clipped one side of it to check if it works and tested it on a wooden stick. The stick sparked a fire, proof that it was working just fine. I needed something metal, the curtain rod over the sink was metal, I took that and clipped the other two ends to that, careful not to come in contact with it myself. I carefully dragged the battery and the rod over to the pool where they noticed me almost immediately.

"Woah, Hey! Who are you!?" The guy screamed in anger. 

"Thought I could help jumpstart your relationship." I smiled placing the battery on the edge of the pool. 

"Joe!" He screamed, calling out for his friend upstairs. "Joe!-" Two gunshots sounded upstairs while I quickly kicked the metal rod in the pool with my foot. Almost immediately there bodies tensed up and began convulsing. I ran back inside the house and started the house alarm like I was instructed to do before.

"Another night...." I sighed to myself.

                       I sat at the lunch tables next to the school pavilion while unpacking my lunch from my bag when Daniel came up behind me and hugged me tightly.

"How's my girl!" He smiled kissing my cheek. "What's for lunch?"

"Food." I giggled as we sat next to each other. "Specifically leftovers from last night."

"So what did you do last night?" He sighed caressing my face. "I called you."

"Told you, I went out to a movie with my mom." I smiled, totally lying. 


"More of a slasher film!" Kayla chuckled joining us. "What? So you both are a thing now? Gag. Anyway Dannyboy, I gotta talk to nat in private. So do you mind?"

"Yeah," he sighed giving me a kiss on the forehead before he left.

"What?" I said beginning to eat my food.

"You gotta break into the school before summer." She said oh so calmly. "And get me into the system. So IP address and programs. Oh and a souvenir from the principal's office." She smiled.

"You're kidding.." I choked feeling like this was some kind of joke. But the look on her face was telling me otherwise. "You're serious?"

"You got this!" She said patting my back before leaning over to me to whisper in my ear. "You've done far worse, Breaking in should be the least of your worries." She left, leaving me sitting alone at the lunch table. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my lunch, Daniel came back to the table.

Killer Instinct Vol. 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon