Not My Friends

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          As I sat there thinking about how I should reply there was a knock at my bedroom door followed by my mom walking in. 

"I got you this." She said softly handing me a small rectangular box. Inside was a small blue sidekick phone with a qwerty keyboard. "Do you like it?"

"Yes." I sighed. "Mom, I really need to catch up on stuff. Can I have some alone time please."

"Yeah, Oh um Kayla called. I invited her to dinner if that's okay with you. She seems like a really good friend Natasha."

"I know and she is." I sighed as I returned to thinking about Isabel. I hovered my fingers over the keyboard as I began typing up my reply. 

Hey, Yeah let's talk. I answered as I sat back and awaited her reply.

Izzy: I'm guessing you heard about Julian and I wanted to talk about that since the last encounter we had wasn't something enjoyable.

Nat: What exactly happened that night Isabel? I typed hoping she will reply with a straight answer.

Izzy: It's not something that was planned Nat, Honest. It just happened- Look, maybe if you weren't naive and shy this wouldn't have had happened.

Nat: What wouldn't have happened? Izzy, you're evading the subject! I was Naive and shy about WHAT!

Izzy: Really Nat?! Your gonna make me tell you when you fucking SAW it happen!

Nat: Just Fucking Tell Me!! I typed starting to feel desperate for the answer when my internet cut out before I could even send my reply. I got up and headed to where the router dock was located next to the television in the living room but once I headed into the living room Kayla had already arrived for dinner.

"Hey, Nat!" Kayla stepped in and embracing me with a hug. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, Was just checking on my internet since it's not connecting to my computer." I smiled as my grip for answers was slowly becoming distant. "How is everybody?"

"Missing you of course." She said as my mother signaled us over to sit at the table. "I hope you don't mind Ms. Ibarra but I invited another friend of Natasha to join us for dinner."

"That is perfect Hun, The more the merrier." She said placing another plate next to Kayla. 

"Who?" I asked taking a seat across from her. "Brooke?"

"Oh god no." She chuckled. "Bryana, she should be here any minute actually."

"Awesome." I smiled. "Actually, since I brought her up, What happened to Brooke?"

"I see your memory is coming back," Kayla said with a slight sigh. "She is fine. I believe she is at a retreat for her mental health."

"Oh, sounds good. for her I mean." I said. I know Brooke was bad but I didn't know she had gotten so bad. Did Kuno have something to do with this? 

"So you mentioned your internet cut out just now?" Kayla asked. "I could help you fix it later if you'd like. I'm great with this kind of stuff."

"Id like that it would help-" two knocks sounded at the front door as Kayla excused herself to go get it. Kayla opened the door and invited Bryana inside who was carrying a container of some sort. I got up to greet her with a hug,

"Hey, You!" She smiled and embraced me a super tight bear hug. "Oops hope I didn't hurt you."

"Don't worry I still got 200 bones left." I joked as she handed me the container.

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