It Begins...

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                       I reached for my phone and fumbled with it trying to concentrate on the dial pad as I waited for her to pick up. 

"Kayla!" I cried. "R-Reyna, S-she-"

"Nat, calm down. What's going on?"She replied sleepily. 

I placed my head against the door and took several deep breaths. "R-Reyna is dead, her b-body is in the park in the back." I choked out. 

"Oh damn..." She gasped. "Are you okay?"

"This makes no sense!" I cried. "How is she dead?!" 

"I'll be right there, just stay calm." She said and hung up as I tried to wrap my head around what I have just encountered. I sat on the couch and anxiously waited for Kayla to arrive. Every minute that passed made me feel more anxious than the last. First Julian, Now Reyna. Whats going on? It wasn't long before I heard a knock at the door and Kayla arrived. She hugged me tightly. 

"I'm so sorry you had to see something like that." She murmured. "I saw the police already on the scene. What did you see?"

"I-I saw Reyna, she was so pale and cold." I choked. "There with a snake- A rattlesnake, I assume that's what killed her..."

"There, There." She soothed softly. "I'm here now. Don't worry about anything, just remember she was a rotten friend. She put you through so much."

"I know, But I feel like this is my fault." I sobbed.

"Don't you dare fucking say that Nat!" She said sternly grabbing my shoulders. "You are not at fault in anything. You are perfect, okay, Perfect!"

"O-Ow Kayla you're hurting me," I said stepping back and rubbing my shoulders where she was squeezing tightly.

"S-Sorry, Its just I want you to know that is not your fault. She was a bitch and a slut. So many of her groupies would kill her dead." She sighed wiping away my tears. "How about I take you out to that place you like?"

"Y-Yeah, Let's go." I sighed one last time before heading out with her.

                          "Hi, I'm your server and no need to tell you my name since you already know it." Logan sighed smiling. "Hey, Nat."

"Hey, Logan." I managed to smile. 

"ANYWAY," Kayla coughed. "We will have the usual, waiter boy."

"Noted." He said and walked away.

"We really need to stop coming here..." Kayla turned to me. "He knows your name."

"Right now, that's the least of my problems, Kay" I sat there fidgeting with a napkin. "You think her sister knows?"

"She has a sister?!" Kayla choked as she practically spits out her drink.

"Yeah," I said passing her a napkin. "She has a twin named Isabel." While Kayla looked down in confusion, Logan placed out food down than dismissed himself. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Kayla sighed reaching for my face and caressing my cheek. "Your past is just a story."

"Umm, Okay?" I chuckled in confusion. "Are you gonna eat with me or are you-"

"And once you realize this." She whispered. "It has zero power over you.."

"K-Kayla what are you-?"

"She's here." She gulped as I turned to the window of the restaurant and saw Isabel standing outside. "She probably knows.."

"Will you stop being so crytic, know what exactly?" I huffed trying to understand everything. She was here for Reyna, I know that much. But how she knew I was here-.

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