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                   I carefully got up and leaned against the vending machine to regain my composure, but how could I when my whole body and soul hurt. I started to limp toward the nearest restroom so I could fix myself up, my nose was bleeding and my head was throbbing in pain. 

"Hey girl!" I heard Juliana cheery voice call out from behind me.

"H-Hey," I gulped not turning to face her, I quickly tried wiping away the blood from my nose. She went around and faced me, she wore a sticker on her chest labeled Student Aid.

"Are you okay?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine." I gulped starting to taste the blood in my mouth now. "I just need to get to the res-" My words started to slur and drift off as I felt my head become extremely light and my body heavy. 

"Nat!" Juliana panicked as she helped me not fall hard on the ground. "You are absolutely not fine! Let me help you!" She placed my arm around her neck and helped me back up to my feet.

"Don't you...have class?" I slurred.

"Fuck class, I rather help you!" She said helping me over to a bench with some shade. "I'm gonna go get the nurse-"

"N-No.." I stuttered wincing in pain.

"Nat, Who did this to you?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Just some bitch..." I lied. "And I don't wanna get suspended. So please, just let it go."

"Alright." She sighed but I could tell she didn't fully buy my lie. "Let me at least go buy an ice cold drink to press against your eye. Okay?" I just nodded and stayed put while she went off to go buy a drink from the school's small store. My nose kept on bleeding despite me pressing my sleeve up against it. It took me awhile to realize my name being called out. I turned my head toward the girl's restroom where laura's head was peeking out from as she waved me down. I slowly got up and limped my way over to her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked stepping inside the restroom with her, luckily no one was in here.

"What the fuck happened to you?" She asked with a disgusted expression.

"A fight." I sighed. "Why are you here anyway? You don't go to this school." 

"But my Freddy does." She smirked as she popped her gum. "So Rosendo got some new merch."

"Like?" I sighed leaning against the bathroom door as I pressed against my side. She pulled a baggie from he purse that contained a bit of water and some wet pieces of ripped up paper squares. "Is that trash?"

"No, You newb." Laura chuckled taking one wet square and placing it on her tongue. "Here, Take one." She offered. 

"No thanks, Laura." I sighed grabbing some towels from the dispenser and running them under some cold water. Laura rolled her eyes at me and leaned against the restroom stalls.

"Shame, Danny would've loved to hear that you're getting into this." She chuckled seeing her dangling the baggy in front of her from the mirror. "Come on Chica, Please!"

"Fine," I gulped, "Anything to take the pain away." I took out my tongue and she placed a wet square. The flavor I could only describe it as moldy and toxic, "Ew ugh!" I gagged. "It tastes disgusting!"

"Just keep it in your mouth, The bad taste only lasts awhile than it just dissolves away." She said popping her gum again. While I leaned against the sinks gagging away Laura was combing her hair and applying makeup. "So, You and Danny had sex yet?"

"Why do you care?" I spat rinsing my face.

"Just asking..." She smiled when someone knocked on the restroom door, lucky for Laura it was locked.

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