A New Family

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                      I woke up staring at the ceiling that had some stars glued to it. I had a bad headache and everything came back to me. Brooke beat me up and I fell unconscious and then she fell next to me? Everything hurt as I slowly sat up, I was in a room, but not my room. I pushed the covers off me and noticed someone had changed my clothes. Instead of my usual jeans and shirt, i had on shorts and a black tank top.

"Hello?" I managed to say, my throat was really dry and by the looks of it, that was the least of my problems. A knock sounded at the door and I quickly grabbed the covers and shielded myself of whoever was gonna come in.

"Aww, you're awake, Good." An older lady, in her 30's, came in and set a plate of brownies on the nightstand. She wore a bright colored nurse's outfit.

"How's your arm?" She smiled pulling off the cover just enough to see my left arm, which I hadn't noticed that it was bandaged. "Its just a sprain, you'll be fine in a couple days." She sighed.

"Thank you." I gulped. "Who are-"

"Bryana hasn't introduced me, I'm her mother, Her friends call me Ms. Angel." She introduced."And you're Natasha, They brought you here cause you were banged up pretty badly Hun."

"Yeah," I sighed. "Wh-what happened?"

"Well hun, I don't know. besides the fact that they brought you here unconscious. Must've been a pretty bad fight." She sighed. "Eat some sugar hun. I'll go tell everyone you're awake now." She leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead, I felt loved. She closed the door behind her and I slowly stood up still feeling dizzy. I grabbed my jacket and had a mini heart attack when my phone wasn't in the pockets.

"Did I drop it?..." I sighed searching through my clothes for it. A knock sounded at the door and Kayla came in.

"You feeling okay?" She smiled taking a seat on a chair next to the door.

"How long was I out?" I asked drinking the water that was on the nightstand. "And where am I?"

"3 hours and bryanas house." She replied. 

"What happened to Brooke?" I choked remembering the fight.

"Don't worry about her." She sighed reaching in her pocket. "Here. I kept it safe." She said handing me my phone. "We will always keep you safe, friend." She smiled as I took my phone from her hands.

"Thanks, Kayla." I smiled. 

"Come out in a few, okay?" She sighed. "Mama's making dinner and then Ruzzel can drive you home." I nodded and began getting dressed once she closed the door behind her. I finished putting on my shirt when a text came in from Isabel.


I blushed remembering about the date with Julian, I couldn't keep it in. I texted her back;

NatC: Thanks! I'll tell you later, Gtg have to get home.

I put my phone in my pocket and headed out of the room down a short hall with a mini aquarium on the side. I looked at the pictures hanging on the wall with Bryana and her dad. They look like a happy family.

"Dinners ready Kids!" Bryana's mom called out. I walked into the dining room where Kayla saved a seat between her and Bryana.

"You feel okay?" Bryana asked softly rubbing my shoulder. 

"Yeah, Thanks to your mom and everybody who helped bring me here." I smiled.

"That's what friends are for," Lexie added. "Your one of us now."

Killer Instinct Vol. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora