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Shane = Bold

Cleo = Italics

Cleo = Italics

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"You ordered me train tickets?"

"Well...yeah but I'm-"

"Under the name of Miss Super-girl?"

"It seemed appropriate at the t-"

"How did you even get my e-mail address?"

"I have...connections."

"Do you have a habit of stalking young girls?"

"Take a chill pill woman. All I did was get your e-mail address, it's not like I-"

"How did you come across my e-mail address in the first place?"

"My reliable source prefers not to be mentioned."

"What did you do, look it up in the e-mail catalog?"

"I don't think such a thing exists."

"Last time I checked people haven't used phone number catalogs for the past century."

"Well...I have a lot of free time."

"To look through phone catalogs?"

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